Glenn joined Unitec in 2010 to handle the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) courses offered by the Department of Natural Sciences. He has a Doctor of Engineering from the University of Tokyo, an MS Engineering from the University of Washington and a BSc Fisheries from the University of the Philippines. While teaching at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Science of the University of the Philippines Visayas, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue GIS research at Oregon State University in 2004.


BSc Fisheries. , Philippines, MS Engr., Washington, Dr Engr., Tokyo

Professional memberships

Member of the New Zealand Biosecurity Institute International Member Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers


Aguilar, G.D., Farnworth, M.j., & Winder, L. (2015). Mapping the stray domestic cat (Felis catus) population in New Zealand: species distribution modelling with a climate change scenario and implications for protected areas, Applied Geography, (Vol. 63)

Fraser, D., Aguilar, G., Nagle, W., Galbraith, M., & Ryall, C. (2015). The House Crow (Corvus splendens): A Threat to New Zealand?, International Journal of Geo-Information, (Vol. 4(2))

Marshall, A., Morgan, S., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Aguilar, G., Galbraith, M., and Fraser, D. (2014). Distribution of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) and Rainbow skink (Lampropholis delicata) in selected locations in the Rodney district, Auckland.  New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar (NETS2014), New Plymouth 30 July – 1 August

Killick, S., Wairepo, J., Waipara, N., Cook, J., Aguilar, G., Galbraith, M., and Fraser, D. (2014). Detecting the spread of a known rainbow skink (Lampropholis delicata) population over an island. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar (NETS2014), New Plymouth 30 July – 1 August

Nessia, H.R., Dale, A. R., Perrot, J. K., Waipara, N. W., Aguilar, G. D., and Blanchon, D. J. (2014). Comparison of species richness and frequency cover of forest floor plants and lichens in sites invaded and uninvaded by the invasive club moss Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun. Plant Protection Quarterly, (Vol. 29(2))

Graham, M., Veitch, D., Aguilar, G., and Galbraith, M. (2013). Monitoring terrestrial bird populations on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, 1987-2010. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, (Vol. 37(3))

Waqa-Sakiti, H., Aguilar, G., and Winder, L. (2013). Ensemble species distribution modelling of Coleoptera in Viti Levu, Fiji. 12th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 8-12 July 2013, University of the South Pacific, Laucala Bay Campus, Suva, Fiji

Aguilar, G., Gilchrist, R., and Blake, J. (2013). Screening of algorithms for ensemble modelling of marine and terrestrial invasive species to New Zealand, NZBI National Education and Training Seminar (NETS), Shantytown, Greymouth, 31 July-2 August 2013

Sanders, L.J., Aguilar, G.D., and Bacon, C.J. (2013). A spatial analysis of the geographic distribution of musculoskeletal and general practice healthcare clinics in Auckland, New Zealand. Applied Geography, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.07.014 (Vol. 44)

Blanchon, D., Nessia, H., McClymont, M., Dale, A., Perrott, J., Aguilar, G., and Waipara, N. (2013). The good news and bad news about the African club moss. NZBI National Education and Training Seminar (NETS), Shantytown, Greymouth, 31 July-2 August 2013

Aguilar, G., and Farnworth, M. (2013). Distribution characteristics of unmanaged cat colonies over a 20 year period in Auckland, New Zealand. Applied Geography, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.11.009 (Vol. 37)

Gardner, L., Graham, R., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Fraser, D., Aguilar, G., and Galbraith, M. (2012). The distribution of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in selected locations on Kawau Island, NETS 2012 Biosecurity Conference, 18-20 July 2012, Taupo, New Zealand

Graham, R., Gardner, L., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Fraser, D., Aguilar, G., and Galbraith, M. (2012). Evaluation of two methods; baited pottles and visual assessment, for the effective identification of the presence/absence of Argentine Ants (Linepithema humile) on Kawau Island. NETS 2012 Biosecurity Conference, 18-20 July 2012, Taupo, New Zealand

Wairepo, J., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Fraser, D., Aguilar, G., and Galbraith, M. (2012). Presence / Absence of Rainbow Skinks (Lampropholis delicata) on Kawau Island. NETS 2012 Biosecurity Conference, 18-20 July 2012, Taupo, New Zealand

Aguilar, G., Farnworth, M., Fraser, D., and Galbraith, M. (2011). GIS research for biodiversity management and animal welfare. Unitec Research Symposium 2011, Mt Albert

Aguilar, G.D., and Farnworth, M.J. (2011). Stray cats in Auckland, New Zealand: Discovering geographic information for exploratory spatial analysis. Applied Geography, ISSN: 0143-6228 (Vol. 34)

Blanchon, D., Elliott, C., Ennis, I., Hayward, G., Galbraith, M., and Aguilar, G. (2011). A lichen species list for Motu Kaikoura, Fitzroy Harbour, Great Barrier Island. Auckland Botanical Society Journal, ISSN 0113-4132 (Vol. 66(2))

Aguilar, G. (2011). Development of GIS learning objects for an enhanced conceptual understanding and skills development of complex computing tasks. Unitec Research Symposium 2011, Mt Albert

Martin, J., Galbraith, M., and Aguilar, G. (2011). Modelling of the potential distribution of an invasive species in NZ: the rosy wolf snail. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar 2011, Takapuna, Auckland

Slingsby-Jones, C., Galbraith, M., and Aguilar, G. (2011). Potential impact and distribution of the common house gecko Hemidactylus frenatus in New Zealand. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar 2011, Takapuna, Auckland

Gilchrist, R., Galbraith, M., and Aguilar, G. (2011). Modelling the potential distribution of an invasive species in New Zealand: the yellow crazy ant Anoplepis gracilipes. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar 2011, Takapuna, Auckland

Blake, J., Galbraith, M., and Aguilar, G. (2011). Modelling the invasive risk potential posed by the Northern Pacific seastar (Asterias amurensis) in New Zealand. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar 2011, Takapuna, Auckland

Fraser, D., Aguilar, G., Galbraith, M., and Nagle, B. (2011). The Indian House Crow (Corvus splendens): A Threat to New Zealand? New Zealand Biosecurity Institute National Education and Training Seminar 2011, Takapuna, Auckland

Aguilar, G.D., and Villamor, S. (2010). Habitat mapping for conservation and management of Nogas Island, Philippines. Nishida, T., and Caton, A.E. (Editors)., GIS/spatial analyses in fishery and aquatic sciences (Vol. Volume 4)

Babaran, R., Ishizaki, M., Anraku, K., Aguilar, G., and Matsuoka, T. (2008). Status of scientific exchange in capture fisheries under the JSPS-DOST CUP Program. Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University, 0453087X (Vol. Special Issue)

Aguilar, G.D. (2006). The Philippine Indigenous Outrigger Boat: Scaling Up, Performance and Safety. Marine Technology Society Journal, DOI: 10.4031/002533206787353277 (Vol. 40 3)

Aguilar, G.D. (2006). Development of a data center for oil spill incidents in the Philippines: the case of Semirara and Guimaras. 17th DSAO (Data Sharing for Asia Oceanic Countries) Task Group Conference, Beijing, China. October 21, 2006