This blog features stories and information about research at Unitec.

Category Engineering

Dissemination of research in the time of Covid-19

In the first few months of this year, the spread of Covid-19 saw rapid changes to the teaching and learning environment that staff at tertiary institutes had to lead and adapt quickly to, for the welfare of students and their… Continue Reading →

Unitec response to the Mayoral Housing Taskforce

Commissioned Science Challenge research on Auckland’s housing supply crisis by three Unitec researchers has recently been published by BRANZ, the Building Research Association of New Zealand. Unitec supplied Science Challenge Think Pieces on three subjects aiming to aid in solving… Continue Reading →

World hydrogen energy experts to meet in Rotorua

Global leaders in hydrogen technology, including Unitec’s Dr Jonathan Leaver, will gather in Rotorua this month to discuss research and promotion of hydrogen as a fuel source for the future. They will also host a public forum where local industry… Continue Reading →

How AI research could help predict floods

A Unitec research project using Artificial Intelligence to help predict rainfall run-off drew interest at a recent stormwater conference. Floods are becoming a more pressing problem in New Zealand; in fact, they are the country’s number-one hazard in terms of… Continue Reading →

Engineering a better environment

Reducing nitrogen pollution in waterways, testing indoor air quality, asbestos remediation, and more… Dr Terri-Ann Berry, Senior Lecturer and Environmental Researcher in Unitec’s Engineering Practice Pathway, and her engineering students are tackling issues that directly affect our health and habitat…. Continue Reading →

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