Research at Unitec
Research at Unitec is applied, practical, collaborative and often industry-partnered. It gives staff and students the opportunity to be creative and innovative while making positive and powerful changes in our industries, our communities and our whānau/iwi/hāpu. We give priority to research that makes a difference. We are also part of the wider research community across Aotearoa’s network of ITPs (Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics), working together to support our stakeholders.
This blog is a window to some of the work we are doing. Join us and find out what is going on in the fascinating world of research at Unitec. Click here to join.
Learn more about research at Unitec. Unitec Research Centres include:
Ngā Wai a te Tūi, Māori and Indigenous Research Centre
Providing kaupapa Māori research to support Indigenous innovation and Māori development.
Applied Molecular Solutions
By using existing and emerging technologies, and working to develop and validate new ones, we can address problems raised by the industries and communities that we work with.
Email: Dr Sarah Wells
Digital Heritage
Not all heritage can be physically retained, and much has been lost. The use of Modern digital technologies not only facilitate and improve conservation practices and processes, but also enable the creation of a digital database of heritage.
Email: Dr Renata Jadresin Milic
Website: Digital Heritage Research Centre | Unitec