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Genetic analysis of a genus of plant mimics (Alseuosmia A.Cunn; Alseuosmiaceae) reveals incongruence between morphology and phylogeny and possible mimetic polymorphism

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On the sand and among the crowds: a new species of Woodworthia gecko (Reptilia: Diplodactylidae) from Auckland, Aotearoa/ New Zealand

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Megalaria crispisulcans, a new isidiate species of Megalaria (Ramalinaceae) from Aotearoa / New Zealand

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Internal Transcribed Spacer and 16S Amplicon Sequencing Identified Microbial Species Associated with Asbestos in New Zealand

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The Sticta filix – Sticta lacera conundrum (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae subfamily Lobarioideae): unresolved lineage sorting or developmental switch?

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Structured phylogeography and restricted gene flow among populations of Fairy Tern (Sternula nereis) across Australasia: implications for the endangered New Zealand population

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Long-read sequencing reveals atypical mitochondrial genome structure in a New Zealand marine isopod

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A molecular approach to study Hymenoptera diets using wasp nests

Metagenome Profiling Identifies Potential Biocontrol Agents for Selaginella kraussiana in New Zealand

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Disentangling higher trophic level interactions in the cabbage aphid food web using high-throughput DNA sequencing

Metabarcoding and Metagenomics_article_13709

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