Dr. Sarah Wells attended the 2023 annual general meeting of Genomics Aotearoa hosted by the University of Otago in November. This three day meeting featured ample networking opportunities alongside two days of fascinating talks by researchers across the country involved in genomics research in a diverse array of fields including conservation science, agriculture, and healthcare.

AMSRC’s new collaborative project with Te Roroa on conservation genomics of Ngā Roimata ō Tōhe was mentioned during the talk of Tracey Godfery, Genomics Aotearoa’s Vision Mātauranga manager. For more details on this project click here.

GA director, Professor Peter Dearden, presenting on the future of genomics in Aotearoa

One of Te Pūkenga’s very own Masters of Applied Science student, Kawana Warahi, also gave a presentation about his Genomics Aotearoa funded project on hybridisation detection in Pohutukawa on Mauao (Mt Maunganui). This project will form the basis of his Masters thesis at Te Pūkenga and is another iwi co-led project in association the Mauao Trust and Scion.

Kawana presenting his project outline at the Genomics Aotearoa AGM