Sedentary behavior is extremely prevalent in Western societies and is significantly associated with an elevated risk of all-cause mortality that cannot be mitigated by physical activity. The introduction of standing desks into the workplace offers a solution to this inactivity, but there is a limited investigation regarding the effects of standing on cognition, which is a major consideration in much office-based work. This study aims to provide an exploratory investigation on the effect on cognitive performance of standing while working.

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L. L. M. Patston, A. N. Henry, M. McEwen, J. Mannion, and L. A. Ewens-Volynkina (2017). Thinking while standing: An exploratory study on the effect of standing on cognitive performance. Unitec ePress Occasional and Discussion Paper Series (2017:3).

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Unitec ePress periodically publishes occasional and discussion papers that discuss current and ongoing research authored by members of staff and their research associates. All papers are blind reviewed. For more papers in this series please visit: