Short Communication

Volume 2, Issue 1

Sirenophila macquariensis (Teloschistaceae) – a new name for the lichen Caloplaca maculata

Ulrik Søchting1, *, Peter de Lange2

1 Section for Ecology and Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
2 School of Environmental and Animal Sciences, Unitec, Private Bag 92025, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.

* corresponding author:

Received: 25 February 2024 | Accepted: 25 March 2024 | Published: tba
Associate Editor: Mark Large

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A new combination for Caloplaca macquariensis C.W. Dodge is made in Sirenophila Søchting, Arup & Frödén, S. macquariensis (C.W. Dodge) Søchting & de Lange. In the process we reduce the Aotearoa / New Zealand Caloplaca maculata D.J. Galloway into synonymy within the new combination, noting the lack of morphological distinctions between that species and S. macquariensis. Very little is known about S. macquariensis which is known only from the type collected from Macquarie Island, however, we offer an update on the species ecology based on collections and observations of the species on the Chatham Islands – the eastern most extension of the Aotearoa / New Zealand archipelago.