In Semester 2 (July–November) 2022, Dr Irene Ayallo collaborated with the students in the Research Methods course in Unitec’s Bachelor of Social Practice to investigate the link between learning delivery modes and students’ ability to demonstrate the Aotearoa New Zealand Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) core competencies (see Appendix 1). The aim of the project was to teach research skills and, simultaneously, critically analyse whether the shift in learning delivery due to the Covid-19 pandemic could impact the students’ future competencies as social workers in the Aotearoa New Zealand context. The report describes the research design process and presents a literature review, findings from data, and a discussion of the findings. Findings from this research show that the learning environment within which social work education is delivered has changed significantly, provoked by the events during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Rethinking social work education delivery models is inevitable and required in this new environment. Carefully designed flexible delivery models, such as a mix of in-person and online (blended), would be most effective in safeguarding against and minimising learning disruptions without compromising quality. The most impactful delivery model for social work students is characterised by engaging and interactive content, practical activities and group work, increasing and checking retention, clear structure and guidelines, consistency, flexibility, and capability building for staff and students. The extent to which these can be achieved depends on addressing individual student and staff factors, and broader institutional resources, guidelines and policies.

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Ayallo. I., Akbar, N. M., Burgess, F., Celebrin, B. F., Colmore, M. J., Davis, J-T. S. R., De Veyra Saso Jr, M., Dooms, S. A., Faiilagi, J., Galvin, E. S., Greaves, R. C. H., Guthrie, O. K., Hindeshwar, A. S., Iefata, J. F. T., Kent-Ford, M. J., Laulu, B. U., Leavasa, T., Leech, C. R., Malo, P. E., Masae, J. L. T., Khel, F. M., Moore, K. G. E., Narayan, L., Petelo, D. J., Robson, G. M., Russell, J. R., Salt, T. J. J. L., Sayid, A. A., Sultani, A. Z., Tasi, M., Tegegne, K. W., Tomlinson, L. M. F., Vea-Malakai, K. M. T., Wright, T. N., & Yanez, C. D. (2024). A Report on Teaching and Modelling Research Skills in a Classroom Setting: Social Work Students Using Their Learning and Experiences to Investigate the Link Between Modes of Learning Delivery and Social Work Core Competencies. Unitec ePress Research Report Series (1/2024). Unitec ePress.

Unitec ePress periodically publishes research report papers that highlight findings of completed research projects by current members of staff and their research associates. All papers are blind reviewed. For more papers in this series please visit:

Authors: Irene Ayallo et al.

ISSN: 2357-206X

Published: 18/7/2024