Unitec ePress

Category ePress Series

Research Reports, Discussion and Occasional Papers, Working Papers and Perspectives in Biosecurity

Perspectives in Biosecurity | 2022 | Volume 7

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

Growing Kaupapa Māori Research Capabilities and Confidence Through Whanaungatanga as Research Mentorship

The Ngā Wai a Te Tūī – Hiringa Hauora Summer Research Mentorship is a kaupapa Māori collaboration to increase hauora Māori (Māori wellbeing) research capacity. The idea of research internships is not new, nor is a focus on hauora Māori…. Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: Creating Appreciation and Community Support for Mothers Caring for a Child with Anxiety Disorder by Kristi Shaw

Kristi Shaw has completed an exceptional piece of research, providing critical analysis and originality in her dissertation Creating appreciation and community support for mothers caring for a child with anxiety disorder. She has completed a substantial dissertation that would achieve… Continue Reading →

Perspectives in Animal Health and Welfare

Perspectives in Animal Health and Welfare is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the fields of animal health and welfare, including, but not restricted to animal diseases (including zoonotic diseases), parasitology, nutrition,… Continue Reading →

A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning Algorithms

Deep learning algorithms are a subset of machine learning algorithms that aim to explore several levels of the distributed representations from the input data. Recently, many deep learning algorithms have been proposed to solve traditional artificial intelligence problems. In this… Continue Reading →

Formative vs Summative Quizzes as Regular Feedback on Moodle in Computer Science Courses: Which do Students Prefer?

Deferred feedback on summative assessments can demotivate students and affect their overall learning performance, and it can change their study routines. The aim of this study is to compare and analyse students’ perceptions about summative and formative regular feedback: whether… Continue Reading →

Effectiveness of the Breaking Ground Programme in Transforming Parenting Skills and Practice

Research report for the Breaking Ground programme The Breaking Ground programme was an 18-month pilot programme to support families and parents in a mana-enhancing process while developing parenting skills and practices, focused on intensive family intervention. Practitioners worked alongside families… Continue Reading →

Asynchronous Instructional Videos During COVID-19 Emergency Remote Teaching: Student Experiences Within a New Zealand ITP

The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for tertiary education institutions worldwide. The crisis placed enormous pressure on educational institutions as they were required to pivot suddenly to teaching fully online. In New Zealand, Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) were forced to… Continue Reading →

The Response of Auckland Construction Firms to Recent Technological Changes

Over the past decade, the impacts of technology on the construction sector have been profound. This trend presents significant challenges for construction firms in an environment characterised by skilled labor shortages and an aging workforce that tends to struggle to… Continue Reading →

Short Communication: Observation of western honeybee (Apis mellifera) foraging urediniospores from myrtle-rust infected maire tawake (Syzygium maire), Ōwairaka/Mt Albert, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, New Zealand

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

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