Technology use in higher education is becoming ubiquitous. However, the particular needs of adult migrants and refugees studying English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) necessitate careful course design and teaching practice if technology is not to present an insuperable… Continue Reading →
Over the last two decades, undergraduate students have been encouraged to problem solve in ‘the real world’ in order to construct their own subject knowledge. This paper explores a case study to examine the validity and reliability of students’ findings… Continue Reading →
The Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management (GDNFPM), is one of the 160 programmes on offer at Unitec Institute of Technology. It was established in 1996 in response to a call from the community sector to improve the capability… Continue Reading →
How and why teachers teach the way they do is central to understanding the impact of education on learners. While many professions have integrated research findings into their practitioners’ practice, education’s record is less consistent in this respect. This paper… Continue Reading →
Climate change does not respect national boundaries or distinguish between big and small polluters. It is one of the truly global problems humanity faces today. In spite of this, there is a reluctance to believe in the existence of climate… Continue Reading →
This research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit (NFP) sector relationships with particular reference to advocacy in New Zealand. It follows up on a study of advocacy in NSW and Queensland carried out by Onyx et al. (2009)…. Continue Reading →
How can a socially defined project facilitate meaningful knowledge transfer between community, corporate, and institution? In order to address this question, this paper focuses on an ongoing live project in suburban Auckland New Zealand began in 2010, undertaken by a… Continue Reading →
The model examines two principal scenarios within which are nested matrices of factors that impact scenario outcomes. The first principal scenario is the Laissez-faire scenario, which relies on market forces to determine the time frame for the uptake of hydrogen… Continue Reading →