Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Whitireia and WelTec had the pleasure of co-hosting the 2021 ITP Research Symposium online on 25 and 26 November 2021. The theme for the 2021 symposium was aumangea (resilience), a concept that resonated across… Continue Reading →
The Ngā Wai a Te Tūī – Hiringa Hauora Summer Research Mentorship is a kaupapa Māori collaboration to increase hauora Māori (Māori wellbeing) research capacity. The idea of research internships is not new, nor is a focus on hauora Māori…. Continue Reading →
Kristi Shaw has completed an exceptional piece of research, providing critical analysis and originality in her dissertation Creating appreciation and community support for mothers caring for a child with anxiety disorder. She has completed a substantial dissertation that would achieve… Continue Reading →
Tēnā koutou, Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development has two new co-editors. Both are keen to continue the great work of the journal and ensure the journal continues as a voice and space for ideas and perspectives for those… Continue Reading →
Perspectives in Animal Health and Welfare is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the fields of animal health and welfare, including, but not restricted to animal diseases (including zoonotic diseases), parasitology, nutrition,… Continue Reading →
Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development is a digital journal for practitioners and academics who love community development. We lead this issue with a report by researchers from NorthTec about the effects of student hardship on their wellbeing and… Continue Reading →