Unitec ePress

Category Publications

Pūrātoke Journal of Undergraduate Research in the Creative Arts and Industries, issue 1, 2017

Pūrātoke: (Maori: 1. (verb) to glow, gleam / 2. (noun) glowworm / 3. (noun) bright spark, clever person). Pūrātoke is an online, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate student research within the creative arts and industries. This pilot… Continue Reading →

The Sustainable Whānau Challenge 2016: A multi-factor assessment tool to rank lifestyle shifts towards sustainability based on predicted impact

The report presents the results of collaborative research involving the Kaipatiki Project and an interdisciplinary pool of Unitec Institute of Technology researchers. In 2016 the Kaipatiki Project launched the second edition of the Auckland-wide Sustainable Whānau Challenge, an online challenge… Continue Reading →

Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 3, Edition 2, 2017

Announcing the publication of Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development Volume 3, Edition 2, 2017. Whanake is a bi-annual digital journal for practitioners and academics who love community development, and is edited by Gavin Rennie and John Stansfield. This issue features articles on… Continue Reading →

Perspectives in Biosecurity | 2017 | Volume 2

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

The Effect of Airtightness on Indoor Air Quality in Timber Houses in New Zealand

This two-part study considers the impact of airtightness based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) only. Two identical buildings (test and control) were constructed in Auckland, New Zealand. The test building contained an Intello vapour check membrane to reduce airflow and… Continue Reading →

Spaces and Pedagogies: New Zealand Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference 2017 Proceedings

Spaces and Pedagogies, the 2017 New Zealand Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference, was held at Unitec Institute of Technology in Auckland on 2-3 October. The event explored how the spaces that we teach in, whether real or virtual, cultural, social,… Continue Reading →

Change and Development in Glen Eden, 2017

This report is stage one of a report on change and development issues in Glen Eden. The Waitakere Ranges Local Board commissioned staff of the Social Practice Department of Unitec to carry out a two-stage report. This first stage is… Continue Reading →

Counsellor Clients as Insider Experts in a School Community

This paper describes a practice developed at a large secondary school in Auckland whereby students’ experiences of overcoming problems are made available to others in the form of insider brochures. These students are thus able to share their insights and… Continue Reading →

Delirium assessment and management: A qualitative study on aged-care nurses’ experiences

Aged residential care (ARC) residents with morbid health conditions frequently experience delirium. This condition is associated with diminished quality of life, preventable morbidity, and untimely death. It is challenging and costly to manage delirium because of the complex interplay of… Continue Reading →

Disclosure standards of large New Zealand companies: A content analysis study of compliance with the FMA’s corporate governance guidelines

This qualitative study is an attempt to gain some insights into the level of corporate governance disclosure in New Zealand. A sample of ten large publicly-listed companies was analysed to determine to what extent they fulfil the requirements of the… Continue Reading →

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