Thumbnail_Participatory Video and the Pacifica Mamas- A Pilot Project by Malama Saifoloi, Evangelia Papoutsaki, Marcus Williams, Usha Sundar Harris, and Munawwar Naqvi-1Emerging literature highlights that in the Pacific, the use of participatory video (PV) is a new trend in research and community action. It can be employed as a tool to empower communities to have agency over their media outputs, meaning that they have full control of the content creation, production, and distribution processes. But to date there is still a dearth of studies that fully explore its potential use in different contexts, especially within diasporic networks. To address this gap, a pilot project was undertaken where PV methodologies were tested in collaboration with a diasporic Pacific community group based in West Auckland, New Zealand. This report feeds back on the overall process of developing the pilot project.

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Saifoloi, M., Papoutsaki, E., Williams, M., Harris, U.S. and Naqvi, M. (2016). Pariticipatory Video and The Pacifica Mamas: A Pilot Project. Unitec ePress Research Report Series (2).

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