Unitec ePress

Tag Auckland

New Lynn – Auckland IMM Case Study

Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM) has already been applied in established metropolitan contexts, such as Porto Maravilha in Rio de Janeiro, the neighbourhood of Shahrak-e Golestan in Tehran, and Block 39 in New Belgrade. When Unitec Institute of Technology’s Associate Professor of… Continue Reading →

Walter Klasz: Inbetween

In 2016, Austrian architect and designer Walter Klasz visited Auckland as a Researcher in Residence, hosted by Unitec. Walter’s work focuses on the potential of ‘self-forming-structures’ – constructions that emerge from the tensile and compressive forces that can be manipulated by… Continue Reading →

Ethnic Migrant Media Forum 2014: Curated Proceedings

These curated proceedings present what was discussed during the Ethnic Migrant Media Forum, a one-day event hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Unitec Institute of Technology’s Mt Albert campus in 2014. It is also an attempt to provide… Continue Reading →

Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 2, Edition 2, 2016

Announcing the publication of Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development Volume 2 Edition 2 2016, a bi-annual digital journal for practitioners and academics who love community development. Read the journal articles individually on the website, or download the journal… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: The Role of SANZ, a Migrant Radio Programme, in Making Sense of Place for South African Migrants in New Zealand

In this thesis, reviewed by Michael Meadows, the author details, ‘qualitative exploration of the role played by a South African migrant radio programme, SANZ Live, in supporting its audience to create a sense of place in Auckland, New Zealand, through… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: Gender, Migration and Communication Networks

In this thesis, reviewed by Irene Ayallo, ‘the author investigates the role of communication networks in the pre-and post-migration process of Latin American women resettled in New Zealand. This well researched and skillfully written thesis begins from the premise that… Continue Reading →

Development of Engineering Qualifications in New Zealand: A Brief History

Author John Blakeley provides a brief history of engineering qualifications in New Zealand, starting in 1840 through to the present day. Read the paper https://doi.org/10.34074/ocds.027

Building Today – Saving Tomorrow: Construction and Deconstruction Conference Proceedings

The construction and demolition (C&D) industry is one of the largest waste producing industries in New Zealand. C&D waste may represent up to 50% of all waste generated, 20% of all waste going to landfill and the remaining 80% going… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Focus and Performance in Managing Post-border Security in New Zealand

The New Zealand public, its industries and the conservation sector, are greatly concerned about the state of national biosecurity protection, awareness, and system performance – and rightly so. Scarcely a day goes by without a new story in the media… Continue Reading →

Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015

A bi-annual ejournal for practitioners and academics who love community development, Whanake presents the second issue of 2015. The journal provides space for posing questions, documenting emerging trends in research and practice, and sharing case studies and biographies. Click here… Continue Reading →

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