Unitec ePress

Tag Communication

Exploring the role of Buddhist monks’ and nuns’ engagement in community development as catalysts for social change and sustainable development in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A case study of the Buddhism for Development Project at Ban Bungsanthueng, Nongbok District, Khammouane Province, by Toung Eh Synuanchanh

The topic of this research report is an important one in the context of Asia’s rapid economic development in recent years, and the need to rethink development policy and especially methodologies of development communications, so the mistakes of the past… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: The Role of SANZ, a Migrant Radio Programme, in Making Sense of Place for South African Migrants in New Zealand

In this thesis, reviewed by Michael Meadows, the author details, ‘qualitative exploration of the role played by a South African migrant radio programme, SANZ Live, in supporting its audience to create a sense of place in Auckland, New Zealand, through… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: Gender, Migration and Communication Networks

In this thesis, reviewed by Irene Ayallo, ‘the author investigates the role of communication networks in the pre-and post-migration process of Latin American women resettled in New Zealand. This well researched and skillfully written thesis begins from the premise that… Continue Reading →

Participatory Video and the Pacifica Mamas: A Pilot Project

Emerging literature highlights that in the Pacific, the use of participatory video (PV) is a new trend in research and community action. It can be employed as a tool to empower communities to have agency over their media outputs, meaning… Continue Reading →

Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015

A bi-annual ejournal for practitioners and academics who love community development, Whanake presents the second issue of 2015. The journal provides space for posing questions, documenting emerging trends in research and practice, and sharing case studies and biographies. Click here… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: The Manifestation of Race in Everyday Communication Interactions in New Zealand

In the second of the Theses Review series Dr Donna Henson reviews the work of Elizabeth Revell. ‘This thesis presents an interesting and thoughtful autoethnographic inquiry into the manifestation of race in everyday communication interactions in New Zealand. An uncommon… Continue Reading →

Biology is not Alone: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Biosecurity

Recognition and management of anthropogenic environmental impacts as ‘biosecurity’ is a relatively new concept to our society. Although biosecurity risks are based on biological impacts, biosecurity management is truly interdisciplinary-transdisciplinary since the definition and interpretation of risk and adverse effects… Continue Reading →

Communication Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand

This edited volume introduces highlights of the academic interests and research activities of a number of staff at Unitec’s Department of Communication Studies, demonstrating the breadth and scope of the engagement of this academic collective with contemporary communication issues.  Edited… Continue Reading →