Unitec ePress

Tag Conference Proceedings

Ethnic Migrant Media Forum 2014: Curated Proceedings

These curated proceedings present what was discussed during the Ethnic Migrant Media Forum, a one-day event hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Unitec Institute of Technology’s Mt Albert campus in 2014. It is also an attempt to provide… Continue Reading →

Building Today – Saving Tomorrow: Construction and Deconstruction Conference Proceedings

The construction and demolition (C&D) industry is one of the largest waste producing industries in New Zealand. C&D waste may represent up to 50% of all waste generated, 20% of all waste going to landfill and the remaining 80% going… Continue Reading →

Cool New Asia

As popular culture flows and consumption opportunities become increasingly ubiquitous, what is often overlooked is the local specificity of the popular culture texts themselves.       Click here to view other work by editors Elena Kolesova and Scott Wilson

Proceedings of the International Conference on eLearning Futures 2011

The ICELF conference focuses on eLearning strategies, policy, pedagogy, research, technology and practice. At its core ICELF endeavors to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and the conference will embody leading edge, rigorous academic thinking.