Unitec ePress

Tag Construction Technology

The Response of Auckland Construction Firms to Recent Technological Changes

Over the past decade, the impacts of technology on the construction sector have been profound. This trend presents significant challenges for construction firms in an environment characterised by skilled labor shortages and an aging workforce that tends to struggle to… Continue Reading →

File to Factory: A case study of automated prefabrication house-building methods for small-to-medium enterprises

The Eco-Digital Fabrication (EDFAB) research project aimed to investigate how automated prefabrication technologies and off-the-shelf construction products can be employed to disrupt building industry norms. The aim of this research – conducted at the University of Auckland and Unitec Institute… Continue Reading →

The Effect of Airtightness on Indoor Air Quality in Timber Houses in New Zealand

This two-part study considers the impact of airtightness based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) only. Two identical buildings (test and control) were constructed in Auckland, New Zealand. The test building contained an Intello vapour check membrane to reduce airflow and… Continue Reading →

Embedding Building Information Modelling into Construction Technology and Documentation Courses

The aim of this research is to generate a resource to assist construction lecturers in identifying opportunities where Building Information Modelling [BIM] could be employed to augment the delivery of subject content within individual courses on construction technology programmes. The… Continue Reading →