This article weaves together literature to theorise whatu – the traditional Māori practice of weaving used to make cloaks – as a toi Māori (Māori arts) pedagogy. In its simplest form, pedagogy can be understood as the deliberate processes by… Continue Reading →
This paper explores the profound connections between Kaupapa Māori research and practice through the reflections of Māori practitioners. As part of a Kaupapa Māori research internship funded by Te Whatu Ora, hosted at Ngā Wai a Te Tūī, and co-led… Continue Reading →
The Ngā Wai a Te Tūī – Hiringa Hauora Summer Research Mentorship is a kaupapa Māori collaboration to increase hauora Māori (Māori wellbeing) research capacity. The idea of research internships is not new, nor is a focus on hauora Māori…. Continue Reading →