Unitec ePress

Tag Publications

Show me the Money: Perspectives on Applying for Government Research and Development Co-funding

In 2012-14 Unitec Institute of Technology (in partnership with The Innovation Workshop) carried out research into the application process for New Zealand Government Research & Development [R&D] cofunding administered by the Ministry of Science & Innovation (now Callaghan Innovation Ltd)…. Continue Reading →

Chaos to Capability: Educating Professionals for the 21st Century

Author Jay Hays argues that a transformation in higher education teaching and learning is crucial and possible. Evidence indicates that conventional university education inadequately equips graduates for the complexity they will confront upon entry into their careers and their needs,… Continue Reading →

Embedding Learning for Future and Imagined Communities in Portfolio Assessment

In tertiary contexts where adults study writing for future academic purposes, teaching and learning via portfolio provides them with multiple opportunities to create and recreate texts characteristic of their future and imagined discourse communities. This paper discusses the value of… Continue Reading →

Biology is not Alone: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Biosecurity

Recognition and management of anthropogenic environmental impacts as ‘biosecurity’ is a relatively new concept to our society. Although biosecurity risks are based on biological impacts, biosecurity management is truly interdisciplinary-transdisciplinary since the definition and interpretation of risk and adverse effects… Continue Reading →

A Revisit of Price Discovery Dynamics Across Australia and New Zealand

This study re-investigates the price discovery dynamics of selected stocks cross-listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) during a bear trading phase from January 2008 to December 2011. A differing price discovery dynamic… Continue Reading →

WHANAKE The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 1, Edition 1, 2015

Announcing the inaugural issue of Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, a bi-annual ejournal for practitioners and academics who love community development.  The journal mission is to serve as a crucible of democracy, where people come together to share… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: Dis/identifications and Dis/articulations: Young Women and Feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand

In the first of the Theses Review Series Dr Helene Connor reviews the work of Laura Ashton: “I don’t necessarily go out there and tell everyone that I’m a feminist, but I won’t go out there and tell everyone that I’m a musician… Continue Reading →

Advancing Local Marine Protection, Cross Cultural Collaboration and Dialogue in Northland

This research report summarises findings and observations arising from the Advancing marine protection through cross-cultural dialogue project, which examines community-driven, collaborative marine protection campaigns currently being pursued in Northland. This project consists of a series of case studies undertaken between… Continue Reading →

Communication Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand

This edited volume introduces highlights of the academic interests and research activities of a number of staff at Unitec’s Department of Communication Studies, demonstrating the breadth and scope of the engagement of this academic collective with contemporary communication issues.  Edited… Continue Reading →

Undergraduate Research: A Source for Faculty Publications?

Over the last two decades, undergraduate students have been encouraged to problem solve in ‘the real world’ in order to construct their own subject knowledge. This paper explores a case study to examine the validity and reliability of students’ findings… Continue Reading →

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