Unitec ePress

Tag sustainability

Unitec Research Symposium Proceedings 2020

It is exciting to see the ITP sector increasingly collaborating in its research endeavours. Unitec’s annual Research Symposium, held in October 2020, was opened up to the sector for the first time, and was lucky enough to be able to… Continue Reading →

The Sustainable Whānau Challenge 2016: A multi-factor assessment tool to rank lifestyle shifts towards sustainability based on predicted impact

The report presents the results of collaborative research involving the Kaipatiki Project and an interdisciplinary pool of Unitec Institute of Technology researchers. In 2016 the Kaipatiki Project launched the second edition of the Auckland-wide Sustainable Whānau Challenge, an online challenge… Continue Reading →

Building Today – Saving Tomorrow: Construction and Deconstruction Conference Proceedings

The construction and demolition (C&D) industry is one of the largest waste producing industries in New Zealand. C&D waste may represent up to 50% of all waste generated, 20% of all waste going to landfill and the remaining 80% going… Continue Reading →