COVERIn this thesis, reviewed by Michael Meadows, the author details, ‘qualitative exploration of the role played by a South African migrant radio programme, SANZ Live, in supporting its audience to create a sense of place in Auckland, New Zealand, through a range of on- and off-air activities.’
Click here to read the review
Click here to read the thesis

Meadows, M. (2016). Thesis review: The role of SANZ, a migrant radio programme, in making sense of place for South African migrants in New Zealand by Antoinette Wessels [Review of the Thesis The role of SANZ, a migrant radio programme, in making sense of place for South African migrants in New Zealand by Antoinette Wessels]. ePress Theses Review Series (2).

About this series:

Unitec ePress periodically features overviews of recently completed, unpublished postgraduate research in a wide variety of disciplines. Reviews provide a summary of the author’s main arguments, the conceptual and theoretical framework in which the author operates, and the main source bases for his or her research. The reviews also assess how the research will advance or challenge our understanding
of major issues in the field. All papers are blind reviewed. For more papers in this series please visit: index.php/category/publications/theses-reviews/