
Unitec ePress

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Building Today – Saving Tomorrow: Construction and Deconstruction Conference Proceedings

The construction and demolition (C&D) industry is one of the largest waste producing industries in New Zealand. C&D waste may represent up to 50% of all waste generated, 20% of all waste going to landfill and the remaining 80% going… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Focus and Performance in Managing Post-border Security in New Zealand

The New Zealand public, its industries and the conservation sector, are greatly concerned about the state of national biosecurity protection, awareness, and system performance – and rightly so. Scarcely a day goes by without a new story in the media… Continue Reading →

Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015

A bi-annual ejournal for practitioners and academics who love community development, Whanake presents the second issue of 2015. The journal provides space for posing questions, documenting emerging trends in research and practice, and sharing case studies and biographies. Click here… Continue Reading →

Implementation of Tikanga Māori in Animal Euthanasia Teaching

Authors Arnja Dale, Jessica Walker and John Perrott, write on the use of animal cadavers to teach euthanasia techniques to students studying towards the Certificate in Animal Welfare Investigations at Unitec. The programme attracts a multi-cultural student body. Working with… Continue Reading →

Thesis Review: The Manifestation of Race in Everyday Communication Interactions in New Zealand

In the second of the Theses Review series Dr Donna Henson reviews the work of Elizabeth Revell. ‘This thesis presents an interesting and thoughtful autoethnographic inquiry into the manifestation of race in everyday communication interactions in New Zealand. An uncommon… Continue Reading →

Show me the Money: Perspectives on Applying for Government Research and Development Co-funding

In 2012-14 Unitec Institute of Technology (in partnership with The Innovation Workshop) carried out research into the application process for New Zealand Government Research & Development [R&D] cofunding administered by the Ministry of Science & Innovation (now Callaghan Innovation Ltd)…. Continue Reading →

Queensland Fruit Fly Invasion of New Zealand: Predicting Area Suitability Under Future Climate Change Scenarios

The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) is a significant horticultural pest in Australia, and has also established in other parts of the Pacific. There is a significant risk to New Zealand of invasion by this species, and several recent incursions… Continue Reading →

Chaos to Capability: Educating Professionals for the 21st Century

Author Jay Hays argues that a transformation in higher education teaching and learning is crucial and possible. Evidence indicates that conventional university education inadequately equips graduates for the complexity they will confront upon entry into their careers and their needs,… Continue Reading →

Embedding Learning for Future and Imagined Communities in Portfolio Assessment

In tertiary contexts where adults study writing for future academic purposes, teaching and learning via portfolio provides them with multiple opportunities to create and recreate texts characteristic of their future and imagined discourse communities. This paper discusses the value of… Continue Reading →

Biology is not Alone: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Biosecurity

Recognition and management of anthropogenic environmental impacts as ‘biosecurity’ is a relatively new concept to our society. Although biosecurity risks are based on biological impacts, biosecurity management is truly interdisciplinary-transdisciplinary since the definition and interpretation of risk and adverse effects… Continue Reading →

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