This study re-investigates the price discovery dynamics of selected stocks cross-listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) during a bear trading phase from January 2008 to December 2011. A differing price discovery dynamic… Continue Reading →
This article examines how contemporary women’s advocates working in New Zealand with women experiencing intimate partner violence regard their work and how these experiences both connect with and depart from a feminist movement to end violence against women. Ten women’s… Continue Reading →
Announcing the inaugural issue of Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, a bi-annual ejournal for practitioners and academics who love community development. The journal mission is to serve as a crucible of democracy, where people come together to share… Continue Reading →
In 1975 employment in the majority of trades’ areas was dominated by men, and this fact, associated with a significant wage disparity, generated considerable social debate at that time. A number of newspaper articles in New Zealand highlighted the lack… Continue Reading →
In the first of the Theses Review Series Dr Helene Connor reviews the work of Laura Ashton: “I don’t necessarily go out there and tell everyone that I’m a feminist, but I won’t go out there and tell everyone that I’m a musician… Continue Reading →
This research report summarises findings and observations arising from the Advancing marine protection through cross-cultural dialogue project, which examines community-driven, collaborative marine protection campaigns currently being pursued in Northland. This project consists of a series of case studies undertaken between… Continue Reading →
This edited volume introduces highlights of the academic interests and research activities of a number of staff at Unitec’s Department of Communication Studies, demonstrating the breadth and scope of the engagement of this academic collective with contemporary communication issues. Edited… Continue Reading →
Using the stories of Māui to guide readers through the work, Keelan has authored a book that brings together ten years of experience and research in taiohinga Māori Development. Known to most New Zealanders, Māori and non-Māori alike, Māui can… Continue Reading →
The aim of this research is to generate a resource to assist construction lecturers in identifying opportunities where Building Information Modelling [BIM] could be employed to augment the delivery of subject content within individual courses on construction technology programmes. The… Continue Reading →