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Climate Change and Generation Zero – Analysing the 50/50 Campaign: A Communication for Social Change Approach

Climate change does not respect national boundaries or distinguish between big and small polluters. It is one of the truly global problems humanity faces today. In spite of this, there is a reluctance to believe in the existence of climate… Continue Reading →

XSection Part 2

XSection Part 2, Issue two, 2012-2013: What is Landscape Architecture? Click here to read Part 2, Issue two Click here to view other work by editor Pete Griffith Further issues of XSection are available at http://x-sectionmagazine.blogspot.co.nz/

XSection Part 1

XSection Journal Part 1, Issue two, 2012/2013: What Is Landscape Architecture? Click here to read Part 1, Issue two Click here to read other work by editor Pete Griffith

Nothing Stands By Itself: Advocacy in the New Zealand Not-For-Profit Sector

This research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit (NFP) sector relationships with particular reference to advocacy in New Zealand. It follows up on a study of advocacy in NSW and Queensland carried out by Onyx et al. (2009)…. Continue Reading →

Suburban Interventions: Understanding the Values of Place and Belonging Through Collaboration

How can a socially defined project facilitate meaningful knowledge transfer between community, corporate, and institution? In order to address this question, this paper focuses on an ongoing live project in suburban Auckland New Zealand began in 2010, undertaken by a… Continue Reading →

Cool New Asia

As popular culture flows and consumption opportunities become increasingly ubiquitous, what is often overlooked is the local specificity of the popular culture texts themselves.       Click here to view other work by editors Elena Kolesova and Scott Wilson

Proceedings of the International Conference on eLearning Futures 2011

The ICELF conference focuses on eLearning strategies, policy, pedagogy, research, technology and practice. At its core ICELF endeavors to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and the conference will embody leading edge, rigorous academic thinking.  

System Dynamics Modelling of Pathways to a Hydrogen Economy in New Zealand: Final Report

The model examines two principal scenarios within which are nested matrices of factors that impact scenario outcomes. The first principal scenario is the Laissez-faire scenario, which relies on market forces to determine the time frame for the uptake of hydrogen… Continue Reading →

Akoaga: Efficacy, Agency, Achievement and Success in the Tertiary Sector

The term akoaga has a pan-Polynesian origin and meaning. In the Samoan language, the term can be broken into two root words, ako and aga. Ako or ato means basket and aga means measurements associated with weaving. Click here to… Continue Reading →

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