
Unitec ePress

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A Report on Teaching and Modelling Research Skills in a Classroom Setting: Social Work Students Using Their Learning and Experiences to Investigate the Link Between Modes of Learning Delivery and Social Work Core Competencies

In Semester 2 (July–November) 2022, Dr Irene Ayallo collaborated with the students in the Research Methods course in Unitec’s Bachelor of Social Practice to investigate the link between learning delivery modes and students’ ability to demonstrate the Aotearoa New Zealand… Continue Reading →

Asylum 2023 Volume 2 1/4

Asylum design research journal is produced by Unitec School of Architecture and published annually by ePress, Unitec’s publishing platform. The 2023 edition marks over twenty years of the publication, aptly and colloquially named after the institution that had previously occupied… Continue Reading →

Asylum 2023 Volume 2 2/4

Asylum design research journal is produced by Unitec School of Architecture and published annually by ePress, Unitec’s publishing platform. The 2023 edition marks over twenty years of the publication, aptly and colloquially named after the institution that had previously occupied… Continue Reading →

Asylum 2023 Volume 2 3/4

Asylum design research journal is produced by Unitec School of Architecture and published annually by ePress, Unitec’s publishing platform. The 2023 edition marks over twenty years of the publication, aptly and colloquially named after the institution that had previously occupied… Continue Reading →

Asylum 2023 Volume 2 4/4

Asylum design research journal is produced by Unitec School of Architecture and published annually by ePress, Unitec’s publishing platform. The 2023 edition marks over twenty years of the publication, aptly and colloquially named after the institution that had previously occupied… Continue Reading →

Proceedings: ITP Research Symposium 2022, 30 November – 2 December

The Southern Institute of Technology | Te Pūkenga was proud to host the 2022 ITP Research Symposium in Invercargill from 30 November to 2 December. After two years of online symposia because of Covid-19, it was fantastic to be able… Continue Reading →

Proceedings. Rangahau: Te Mana o te Mahi Kotahitanga / Research: The Power of Collaboration. Unitec/MIT Research Symposium 2022, December 8 and 9

Asylum 2023 Volume 1

This special issue of Asylum, guest edited by The Urban Advisory, is an opportunity to broaden the remit of the publication to be a curated collection of peer-reviewed and practitioner-led articles designed to challenge our collective thinking about a key… Continue Reading →

Whakarongo ki te Tangi! – Listen to Our Tears, Listen to Our Call! Learnings from a Summer Research Mentorship to Grow Kaupapa Māori Community Health Researchers

This co-authored paper centres the Māori cultural practice of tangi, both as a way to heal and to be heard, for four new and emerging Māori community health researchers involved in a Kaupapa Māori research mentorship. If research mentorships are… Continue Reading →

Watchpoints for Consideration When Utilising a VDI Network to Teach Archicad BIM Software Within an Educational Programme

This research identifies factors to be considered in the adoption of a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) accommodating the software needs of a tertiary institution. The study discusses the potential advantages and disadvantages of VDI, focusing specifically on the performance of… Continue Reading →

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