This qualitative study is an attempt to gain some insights into the level of corporate governance disclosure in New Zealand. A sample of ten large publicly-listed companies was analysed to determine to what extent they fulfil the requirements of the… Continue Reading →
Affordance is an integral part of the practical knowledge teachers acquires while using new technologies in their teaching. This article describes the situated learning of two experienced modern language teachers using new technologies as they learned to perceive and implement… Continue Reading →
The aim of this literature review is to identify and critique literature relating to current policy, guidelines and practice of non-regulated caregivers in relation to medication while they are working with clients in their own homes. The scope of this… Continue Reading →
This exploratory study set out to evaluate how well a particular course in automotive engineering is set up to enable students to develop skills necessary to enter the workplace. The research set out to identify trends in student expectations and… Continue Reading →
Sedentary behavior is extremely prevalent in Western societies and is significantly associated with an elevated risk of all-cause mortality that cannot be mitigated by physical activity. The introduction of standing desks into the workplace offers a solution to this inactivity,… Continue Reading →
Announcing the publication of Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development Volume 3, Edition 1, 2017. Whanake is a bi-annual digital journal for practitioners and academics who love community development, and is edited by Gavin Rennie and John Stansfield. This… Continue Reading →
Wikis are widely used in blended learning educational settings with varying degrees of success. Scholarly attention increasingly regards student perceptions and experiences of using wikis as part of ongoing development. Students in entry-level education often belong to high-needs target groups… Continue Reading →
The 2017 International Association for Community Development (IACD) and Aotearoa Community Development Association’s (ACDA) joint Community Development Conference was held at Unitec in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland from 15-17 February 2017. The conference brought together community development practitioners from around the… Continue Reading →
This report presents the findings of preliminary research into the perceptions of overall stakeholder satisfaction of eight Auckland secondary schools of the Leadership through Peer Mediation (LtPM) programme, a core programme of the Foundation for Peace Studies Aotearoa New Zealand… Continue Reading →
Authors Jay Hays and Lisa Helmling explore the concept of Applied Practice as it encompasses the theories, principles, approaches and programs that govern and inform the development of professional practices and practitioners across disciplines, and, in so doing, build individual, organisational, and… Continue Reading →