Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development is a digital journal for practitioners and academics who love community development. We lead this issue with a report by researchers from NorthTec about the effects of student hardship on their wellbeing and educational outcomes. Other papers present a financial self-efficacy scale for New Zealanders; discuss the mission of social work as one that actively contributes to positive social change; look at the ways in which poverty has far-reaching impacts on people’s lives, and offer insights into how poverty might be re-framed in the social imaginary, breaking down old stereotypes. In this issue we also have the second in our series of interviews with community development practitioners who have made significant contributions to the field. This time we hear about the fascinating life of Neil Smith, interviewed by guest editor David Haigh.

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Report on material hardship and impacts on ākonga wellbeing and educational outcomes: Bachelor of Applied Social Work (BASW) and Bachelor of Nursing Studies, Tai Tokerau Wānanga, NorthTec, 2021

Anthea Raven, Amadonna Jakeman, Angie Dang, Tanya Newman, Christine Sapwell, Sue Vaughan, Tessa Peters, Petite Nathan

Financial self-efficacy scale for people living in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ-FSES)

Dr Hoa Thi Nguyen and Hairunnisa Muhammed Shafi

Values-based politics and new structural social work: Theory for a post-neoliberal age?

Peter Matthewson

Impacts of poverty

David Haigh

‘Reframing’ the big issues for a transformational government

Michael Hanne

Interview with Neil Smith

David Haigh

Newmarket Arts Trust: A brief history (2004–2021)

David Haigh

Book Review: Imagining Decolonisation, Bianca Elkington, Moana Jackson, Rebecca Kiddle, Ocean Ripeka Mercier, Mike Ross, Jennie Smeaton and Amanda Thomas, Bridget Williams Books, 2020

David Haigh

  • Editor: David Haigh
  • ISSN: 2423-009X
  • Date of publication: 16.12.2021