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Study sport

School of Community Studies

Welcome to Community Studies! We teach a range of programmes both in Early Childhood, and Sport, Exercise and Recreation, and we’re committed to making a positive difference in the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve. 

School overview

In the School of Community Studies, we provide students not only with the theory but the practical expertise required to have a better career in their chosen field. Our staff are passionate about interactive learning experiences with a core focus on being education leaders in their respective fields. 

Early Childhood Education 

Early childhood teacher education is practical and hands-on. You’ll work in early childhood education centres for at least 12 hours a week and perfect your skills with multiple full-time placements throughout the programme. All the while, you'll get a thorough grounding in education theory, teaching techniques, and te reo and tikanga Māori. By the end of the programme, you will be able to apply for teacher certification with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

Sport, Exercise and Recreation 

The sport, exercise and recreation industry is booming! In New Zealand alone, over 31,000 organisations employ over 100,000 people (not to mention over 1 million volunteers) in sports-related jobs every year. We offer a contemporary one-year diploma where you can specialise in one of three different areas of the industry;

  • If you're interested in community sport and recreation, you'll develop the skills required to integrate and facilitate the implementation of a wide range of initiatives to meet community sport and recreation objectives;
  • If you're interested in exercise, you'll learn how to design and deliver exercise programmes to a wide range of people and groups;
  • If you're interested in coaching, you'll learn how to deliver great opportunities through sport for all ages within national and regional sports organisations, sports clubs, and schools.  

Programmes and study path

Start with a programme that suits your qualifications and/or experience, then progress to a level that achieves your goals.
New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 4) 4 Full-time for 16 weeks Personal trainer/fitness instructor, Gym Instructor, Health and Wellness Coach
New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 5) 5 Part-time over one year Personal trainer/fitness instructor, Gym Instructor, Recreation Centre Staff Member, Health and Wellness Coach
New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching 5 Part-time over 1.5 years Special event co-ordinator, Professional sport coach, Sport coordinator, Health and Wellness Coach
New Zealand Certificate in Sport and Recreation (Community Development) 5 Part-time over one year Recreation Centre Staff Member, Community Development Adviser, Health and Wellness Coach
New Zealand Diploma in Sport, Recreation and Exercise (Multi-Sector) 5 Full-time for one year, part-time for two years Personal trainer/fitness instructor, Special event co-ordinator, Sport administrator, Professional sport coach, Sport coordinator, Gym Instructor, Recreation Centre Staff Member, Community Development Adviser, Health and Wellness Coach
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) 7 Full-time for three years
Early childhood teacher, Head teacher in an early childhood setting, Home-based coordinator/educator, Manager in an early childhood education centre, Hospital play specialist, Nanny, Early year primary school teacher
