Peer learning
Find out if study support is available for your courses through our Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS).

Re-enrolling in a programme confirms your place in the programme for the next semester and means that if you’re on a student allowance, you won’t miss any payments between semesters...

Student forms
Forms and processes used by students, including exam scripts, assignment cover sheet, official transcript, letter of confirmation and more.

Lab or building access card
Some students will need a swipe card to access specific buildings or labs.

Extensions and Assessment Concessions
When to apply for an extension or an Assessment Concession(AC), and how to apply.

Learning Advisors
Our Learning Advisors can assist you with any aspect of your academic studies and are here to help you succeed.

Disability Support Services
Access4Success(Unitec Disability Support Services) delivers an authentic service that provides resources that enable students with impairments to access learning. We partner with Unitec students, staff and external agencies to facilitate...

How to make a complaint
Here you will find everything you need to know about making a formal complaint, the support that is available to you, and how the process works.