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Cultural exchange strengthens Unitec’s partnership with key Hebei-based institution

  • HUE Cultural exchange

2 September 2024

A group of students from Unitec partner institution Hebei University of Engineering (HUE) have learnt how to create their own pounamu, cook boil up and fry bread and make and perform poi after a week-long cultural exchange at Unitec recently.

In return, the HUE students taught their Unitec counterparts how to make authentic Chinese dumpling dishes, and together shared historical highlights and insights into the similarities of Chinese and Māori architecture and designs. 

The visit offered the students from Hebei Province in China a unique insight into life in Aotearoa, New Zealand, with cultural highlights including a pōwhiri at our Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, a waiata and poi making workshop led by Hohepa Renata, Whaea Lynda Toki, Camelia Pirika and Marama Haines-Te Whare, and a sharing of home-made kai and kōrero. 

Students also took part in computing classes offered by the School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology, where they were coached on databases and understanding how cybersecurity could be applied to their learning, and were given a tour of the computing labs by Academic Programme Managers Hamid Sharifzadeh and Bashar Barmad.

Key executives from the Hebei University of Engineering were among a delegation who visited Unitec earlier this year, designed to strengthen our ties with the region.

In addition, Unitec and Hebei University of Engineering developed a joint Bachelor programme last year, which is pending approval from the China Ministry of Education.

“We really value the opportunity to deepen our collaboration further with Hebei University of Engineering and our continued engagement is a testament to the strength of our relationship,” says Vivienne Merito (Ngāti Pūkeko, Ngāti Awa), Unitec’s Director of Marketing, Communications and Industry Partnerships.

“The feedback from the students who took part in the cultural exchange was incredibly positive. 

“They said that the most memorable part of their stay was the genuine kindness and authenticity shown to them by our Unitec kaimahi and ākonga, creating lasting and memorable connections. 

“As a result, the University is already planning to send more of their students to visit Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka and we’re excited about the new opportunities it will bring for ongoing cultural exchange and learning." 

Huge thanks to the teams from the Marae, the School of Computing, and International for their mahi in helping put the week-long programme together, and for making our manuhiri feel so welcome.