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Whai Ake Māori Mentoring Opportunity - Tuakana

The Whai Ake Māori Mentoring opportunity is for tauira Māori who can demonstrate a commitment to the Whai Ake Programme at Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka. Whai Ake is about growing tauira Māori leadership capability, increasing first year completions, and lifting tauira Māori academic success and retention overall in tertiary study.

This is a paid employment opportunity.

Award value: Paid Employment $26/hr Number available: Up to 15
Provider: Unitec Māia Centre
Contact: Jonyne Mariu-Komene

Applications for 2025 employment are now open.


The Whai Ake Māori mentoring programme aims to provide a strong support system for tauira Māori in tertiary education. The programme is designed to support tauira to engage with their culture throughout their journey at Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka and to enhance their leadership capabilities.  

We want all tauira Māori who meet the eligibility criteria and who can demonstrate a commitment to the Whai Ake programme to consider applying. 


Eligibility for Whai Ake Maori Mentoring Opportunity - Tuakana (Mentors)

To apply, you must:

  • be a domestic student, i.e. New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
  • be a current full-time tauira Māori enrolled in a diploma, degree or postgrad level Unitec programme
  • have completed at least two semesters of study at Unitec in a certificate, diploma or degree
  • be enrolled as a New Zealand Māori student

Please read the Whai Ake Tuakana Job Description for more information

Selection Criteria

As part of our shortlisting process we might give preference to applicants who:

  • are aged between 18-25 years
  • have previously completed Whai Ake as a Teina
  • have been a Whai Ake Tuakana in previous years

All shorlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview. 

Need help or have more questions? Email the Whai ake i te Ara Tika Academic Co-ordinator Jonyne Mariu-Komene

Still want more info? Find out more at Whai Ake.

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