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Study Architecture and Architectural Technology at Unitec

Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Develop a sound understanding of architectural design, urban housing design, and the history and theory of architecture. Explore different styles of architecture, and become knowledgeable about architectural site analysis and ways to achieve sustainability.

360 (3.0 EFTS)
Mt Albert
Start dates
February (full-time and part-time) or July (part-time only). The July intake is only open to domestic students.
Full-time for three years or part-time options can be negotiated

Programme overview

Are you interested in architecture and urban design? This programme is the first step towards a career in architecture. Develop the drawing, design and graphic presentation skills to express architectural concepts. Analyse architectural sites and explore how to ensure the environmental sustainability of architectural projects. Gain an overview of the business of architecture, and become familiar with New Zealand building law, construction technology, basic contract management procedures, taha Māori and Māori perspectives as they relate to architecture.

Get Industry Recognised 

This programme is recognised by the New Zealand Registered Architects BoardNew Zealand Institute of Architects, and the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia. Which means this leads to initial industry registration as an architect in New Zealand. 


  • Pathway to Professional Registration: The Bachelor of Architectural Studies combined with the Master of Architecture (Professional), offers a comprehensive five-year pathway designed to prepare you for industry registration as a qualified architect. This integrated programme equips you with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience needed to excel in the field of architecture.

  • Hands-On Learning with Real-World Impact: Immerse yourself in real design projects and work placements that bridge the gap between theory and practice. Collaborate with industry professionals, tackle real-world challenges, and build a portfolio that showcases your creativity and technical expertise.

  • Global Perspectives through Overseas Experiences: Expand your horizons with regular opportunities for overseas field trips to destinations such as Brazil, China, Italy, and Japan. Engage in collaborative projects with international students and local communities, gaining unique insights into global architectural practices and cultures.

  • Study Abroad and International Exchange: Take your education global with the option to study abroad at one of our prestigious international partner institutions. Choose from a network of universities in Australia, China, Germany, India, Mexico, and the UK, and experience diverse architectural styles, methodologies, and cultures firsthand.

  • Shape Your Future in Architecture: With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and global connectivity, the Bachelor of Architectural Studies empowers you to become a forward-thinking architect ready to make a meaningful impact in the built environment.

Please Note: You are not required to submit a portfolio for this programme. However, if you would like to have a discussion with our lecturers (available both online and in person), we’d be happy to arrange that.



Admission requirements

What you will need to study this programme. 

Domestic students

Academic requirements

You must have completed at least one of the following:

  • Successful completion of  New Zealand Diploma in Architectural Technology; or
  • At least 3 ‘C’ passes in the New Zealand University Bursaries Examinations or
  • 42 credits at NCEA Level 3 or higher, including:
    • 14 credits in two different approved subjects and
    • 14 credits from up to two subjects (approved or non-approved)
    • 14 credits in NCEA Level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau
And meet one of the English entry requirements;

Don’t meet these Academic requirements?

For more information, download the programme regulations (PDF 525 KB)

International students

Academic requirements 

As a part of this requirement, you must be at least 16 years of age and meet one of the country-specific admission requirements

And English entry requirements;

​If English is not your first language, you will also need at least one of the following qualifications:

Don’t meet these Academic requirements?

For more information, download the programme regulations (PDF 525 KB)

Courses and timetables

For more details on the courses including timetables, please click on the course names below.

Courses Credits Aim
Architecture & Context (ARCH5011) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To provide a stimulating introduction to studies in architecture.
Design Studio 1 (Sem A) (ARCH5112-SA) 22.5 credits (0.188 EFTS) To introduce the main concepts and parameters governing architectural design, through the exploration and resolution of simple architectural propositions.
Design Studio 1 (Sem B) (ARCH5112-SB) 22.5 credits (0.188 EFTS) To introduce the main concepts and parameters governing architectural design, through the exploration and resolution of simple architectural propositions.
Design Studio 1B (ARCH5123) 30.0 credits (0.25 EFTS) To introduce a selection of the main concepts and parameters governing architectural design, through the exploration and resolution of simple architectural propositions.
Architectural Representation 1 (ARCH5213) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop skills in freehand drawing and physical modelling.
Design Communication (ARCH5214) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop skills in academic literacy relevant to the practice of architecture.
Critical Studies 1 (ARCH5311) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop, through studies in a chronological framework, a sound understanding of significant eras, periods and movements in Western architectural history, and an awareness of the architectural histories of major non-Western cultures to the mid-eighteenth century AD.
Courses Credits Aim
Design Studio 2 (Sem A) (ARCH6112-SA) 22.5 credits (0.188 EFTS) To continue the development of design capabilities through small-scale projects of moderate complexity.
Design Studio 2 (Sem B) (ARCH6112-SB) 22.5 credits (0.188 EFTS) To continue the development of design capabilities through small-scale projects of moderate complexity.
Architectural Representation 2 (ARCH6213) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop skills in 2D digital drawing and extend skills in physical modelling.
Critical Studies 2 (ARCH6311) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop, through studies in a chronological framework, a sound understanding of significant eras, periods and movements in Western architectural history, and an awareness of the architectural histories of major non-Western cultures from the mid-eighteenth century AD to the present era.
Critical Studies 3 (ARCH6312) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the theoretical foundations of the discipline of architecture.
Architectural Technology 1 (ARCH6411) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop a sound understanding of small-scale construction, structure and associated services, with particular reference to residential buildings of both non-specific and specific design.
Architectural Technology 2 (ARCH6412) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop a sound understanding of medium-scale construction, structure and associated services (translating broad design outcomes into a detailed design and documentation), with particular reference to residential, light industrial and commercial buildings.
Courses Credits Aim
Design Studio 3 (Sem A) (ARCH7111-SA) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To further develop design capabilities through projects of moderate complexity typically based in the urban environment.
Design Studio 3 (Sem B) (ARCH7111-SB) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To further develop design capabilities through projects of moderate complexity typically based in the urban environment.
Critical Studies 4 (ARCH7311) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the dynamic nature of urban form and the factors which influence its evolution, and the role of the architect as a major contributor to the development of sustainable urban environments.
Architectural Technology 3 (ARCH7410) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) Module 1: Environment and Building - To explore the interaction of buildings with the natural Environment. Module 2: Architectural Science - To develop a sound understanding of the acoustic, thermal and lighting factors that affect building performance and occupant health and comfort in the built environment.
Architectural Technology 4 (ARCH7411) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop a sound understanding of large-scale and multi-storey construction, structure and associated services.
Professional Studies (ARCH7511) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an appreciation of the legal context within which the New Zealand building industry and architectural practice operate; and to develop skills in the planning and management of architectural projects.
Courses Credits Aim
Design Studio 2A (ARCH6121) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To continue the development of design capabilities through small-scale projects of low to moderate complexity.
Design Studio 2B (ARCH6122) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To continue the development of design capabilities through small-scale projects of moderate complexity.
Design Studio 2B (ARCH6123) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To continue the development of design capabilities through small-scale projects of moderate complexity.
Negotiated Study 6611 (ARCH6611) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the student’s chosen topic in the discipline or practice of architecture, in a supervised 15-credit study at Level 6.
Brazilian Modernism (ARCH6615) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore modern tropical expression produced by Brazil, and with reference to other peripheral tropical countries such as Mexico and India, in the context of the modern movement.
Design Process (ARCH6618) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop a sound understanding of architectural design process theory in the context of the general problem-solving theory of human intelligence and creativity, and apply that understanding to a small design and build assignment.
Essentials of Energy Efficient Housing Design (ARCH6623) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the ways in which architects can design healthy and energy efficient houses.
Architectural Photography - Mediating Architecture through the Lens of a Camera (ARCH6628) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop a sound understanding of the practice of Architectural Photography, with reference to historical and contemporary Architectural Photographers, and Architects who practice photography.
Analytical Drawing (ARCH6629) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an understanding of how to apply research to design through analytical drawing.
Courses Credits Aim
Design Studio 3A (ARCH7121) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To continue to develop design capabilities through selected projects of moderate complexity typically based in the urban environment.
Design Studio 3B (ARCH7122) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To further develop design capabilities through selected projects of moderate complexity typically based in the urban environment.
Negotiated Study 7611 (ARCH7611) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the student’s chosen topic in the discipline or practice of architecture, in a supervised 15-credit study at Level 7.
Urban Housing_H1 (ARCH7617) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore principles of design for medium density urban housing.
Digital Fabrication (ARCH7621) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore theoretical directions and formal vocabularies of design generated by digital processes, and the practical feasibility of a seamless pathway from digital design to digital fabrication.
New Zealand Architectural History (ARCH7626) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop through studies in a chronological framework, a sound understanding of Aotearoa New Zealand?s architectural history, from the pre-European period to the present era.
Generative Design (ARCH7627) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop skills in algorithmic and generative design and fabrication using the 3D modelling programme Rhino and the visual programming language Grasshopper.
[re]Source Matters - Materials for Climate Change (ARCH7629) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To address the critical issue of Climate Change through the architectural investigation of material resources in a dynamic design workshop environment.
Negotiated Study - Professional Studies (ARCH7631) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an appreciation of the legal context within which the New Zealand building industry and architectural practice operate; and to develop skills in the planning and management of architectural projects through a supervised 15-credit self-directed study.
Negotiated Study - Light Timber Frame Construction (ARCH7632) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an understanding of small-scale light timber framed construction as it is used in the practice of architecture in New Zealand, through a supervised 15-credit self-directed study.
Negotiated Study - Seismic Design (ARCH7633) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an architectural appreciation of the seismic design and construction context within which the New Zealand building industry and architectural/engineering practices operate. And to specifically review one convergent area within that context through a supervised 15-credit self-directed study.
Negotiated Study - New Zealand Architectural Theory and Culture (ARCH7634) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an understanding of the theoretical foundations of architecture as practiced in New Zealand through a supervised 15-credit self-directed study.