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New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 4) - Engineering Pathway

Are you interested in preparing for further study in engineering? The New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation is your start to an exciting future in a variety of different engineering options.

60 (0.5 EFTS)
Mt Albert
Start dates
February or July
Full-time for 16-weeks or part-time options available

Programme overview

This programme is now called the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways. Updates have been made to the old version, the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation, including content and additional courses. The programme structure, criteria and outcomes will remain the same, and successful completion will allow you to progress into higher-level programmes.

This programme is ideal if you want to go on to Unitec’s New Zealand Diploma in Engineering or the Bachelor of Engineering Technology.


  • 16-week programme full-time: Speed your way into the NZ Diploma in Engineering (Civil, Electrical or Electronic)* or the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil, or Electrical);
  • *Cross-credits into these programmes: this means you’ll need to gain fewer credits to gain this qualification;
  • Gain the physics, algebra literacy, and engineering fundamentals requirements for entry into our construction programmes;
  • Tailored content for the engineering bachelor and diploma: the content is highly relevant to the programme in which you want to enter;
  • In this programme you’ll already be a part of an Engineering student body: you’ll be learning with other aspiring engineers;
  • A mix of classroom sessions, practical activities, guest speakers, discussions, presentations and online learning;
  • A chance to engage with Unitec's marae, a great setting to explore mātarangi Māori and the role of culture in communication.

Where to from here

Graduates of this programme can apply for further study in Unitec’s engineering programmes:

  • New Zealand Diploma Engineering (Civil, Electrical, or Electronic): cross-credits available, any major
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil, or Electrical): with a B- average or above, you can apply for any major

Please note: International students who graduate will NOT be eligible for a post-study work visa upon completion of this programme. 

Admission requirements

To apply for this programme, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Academic requirements
  • General admission, special admission, or discretionary admission requirements
  • English language requirements
  • You will need to complete a pre-entry Skills Review session

General Admission

  • You’ll be 16 years old or older when the programme starts. 
  • If you’re under 16, you’ll need to complete an Early Release Exemption form and meet the pathway specific requirements. 

Special Admission

  • You’ll be 20 years old or older when the programme starts
  • Show evidence of your work, life, or study experience (e.g., a previous qualification or job history)
  • You will complete a pre-entry Skills review

Discretionary Admission 

  • You’re under 20 and don’t meet the general admission requirements 
  • Your level of preparedness for study at the required level will be reviewed and you will undertake a Skills Review

Academic Requirements

To be eligible for the Engineering Pathway, you must meet one of the following: 

  • UE numeracy or equivalent

  • A minimum total of 48 NCEA Level 2 credits across four approved subjects, including:  
    • 12 credits in Mathematics (preferably achievement standards in algebra, calculus, or trigonometry) 
    • 12 credits in English at Level 1 or higher 


  • A relevant qualification at Level 3 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF)


  • An equivalent international qualification, such as: 
    • 120 credits in the best four subjects at AS Level (Cambridge), plus 
    • A D grade or higher in IGCSE English and a D grade or higher in AS Maths 


  • Equivalent credits from appropriate trades training, or 
  • Demonstrated skills and experience in a relevant field 


  • B- average in the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 3) – Engineering Pathway

English language requirements for international students

You must meet one of the following: 

For more information download the programme regulations:

Courses and timetables

For more details on the courses including timetables, please click on the course names below.

Courses Credits Aim
Academic Skills for Business, Construction and Engineering (BPED4007) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) This course introduces pathway-related concepts and develops pathway-related academic skills to prepare tauira for further academic study and/or employment in their chosen pathway.
Technical Literacy for Engineering (BPED4009) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop technical research skills along with oral, written, graphical, interpersonal communication and self-leadership skills in an engineering context.
Physics for Engineering (BPED4010) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To introduce the fundamentals of a range of engineering strands.
Engineering Fundamentals (ENGGDE4101) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To introduce the basic fundamentals of a range of engineering strands.
Courses Credits Aim
Mathematics for Engineering (BPED4011) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop mathematical skills, concepts and understanding in order to perform calculations and solve problems within engineering contexts.
Electrical Principles (ENGGDE4401) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To provide the students with an understanding of general electrical and power circuit theory principles and skills required for subsequent courses.