Audience, Context & Interpretation (PASA6901)

15 (0.125 EFTS)
To enable students to examine the ways in which the creator/performer communicates with their audience in an interactive multi-disciplinary learning environment which includes an artist hui at Te Noho Kotahitanga marae. This course focuses on understanding through the analysis of the modes of address and conventions of representation and interpretation commonly associated with performing and screen arts culture.
Pre-requisites / Co-requisites: 
Pre-requisites: (PASA5911 or PASA5921 or PASA5961) and (PASA5901 or PASA5903).
Choose your class for this course from the option(s) below. You will need to attend all the sessions in that class to complete the course. Where more than one class number is shown, choose one of them and attend all sessions within that class number. (Note: If a class is held in different locations at the same time, you only need to attend all the sessions in one of the locations.)
There are no classes on public holidays.
Note: Currently, this course is not offered for any programme or this course is for an old programme.