Introduction to Counselling Practice (CSTU7352)

15 (0.125 EFTS)
This course will enable students to develop an experiential and theoretical understanding of the philosophy and skills of collaborative practices. Students will develop practical skills and responses to a range of client issues. Bi-cultural and ethical issues are an essential component of this course. Studendents will experience a marae noho on the Unitec marae. The course will enable students to set up and negotiate an approprate placement to meet the requirements of the Counselling practicum course.
Pre-requisites / Co-requisites: 
Pre-requisites: CSTU5920 or Programme Leader discretion. Co-requisite: CSTU7945.
Choose your class for this course from the option(s) below. You will need to attend all the sessions in that class to complete the course. Where more than one class number is shown, choose one of them and attend all sessions within that class number. (Note: If a class is held in different locations at the same time, you only need to attend all the sessions in one of the locations.)
There are no classes on public holidays.
Note: Currently, this course is not offered for any programme or this course is for an old programme.