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Three landscape architecture students stand on Auckland's Quay street examing the panel design artwork.

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Want a career in landscape architecture? Create designs for a variety of exciting landscape projects, and further your understanding of CAD modelling, environmental planning and contemporary urbanism.

480 (4.0 EFTS)
Mt Albert
Start dates
February (full-time or part-time) or July (part-time only). The July intake is only open to domestic students.
Full-time for four years or part-time options can be negotiated

Programme overview

Do you want a role in the re-imagining of our urban environment and re-thinking of our cities? Landscape architects are employed for their vision and skill in transforming the spaces of everyday life, and in solving the real and serious environmental issues facing today's society. Landscape architecture brings together science, technology, art and design, in order to engage in a broad range of environmental design projects. These can involve urban design, transportation infrastructure, waterfronts and resorts, coastal, estuarine and in-land ecologies, and creating engaging and vibrant community and public spaces.

The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture is an internationally accredited professional programme that will prepare you for a creative practice in urban and environmental design anywhere in the world.


  • A focus on design studio and one-on-one practice-based learning that supports your individual skills and growth as a designer.
  • Real-world learning that involves regular engagement and both collaborative and competitive work with practicing professionals, including award-winning landscape architects, urban designers, architects and other related professionals.
  • Be part of international study tours and a vibrant exchange programme - important keys to understanding international practice.
  • Access to internships and merit-based awards.
  • A fully accredited degree programme, registered by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA) on behalf of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA).
  • After successful completion of this programme you can go onto further study in the Master of Landscape Architecture.

Please Note: You are not required to submit a portfolio for this programme. However, if you would like to have a discussion with our lecturers (available both online and in person), we’d be happy to arrange that.

Admission requirements

What you will need to study this programme. 

Domestic students

Academic requirements

You must have completed at least one of the following:

  • At least 3 ‘C’ passes in the New Zealand University Bursaries Examinations; or
  • 42 credits at NCEA Level 3 or higher, including:
    • 14 credits in two different approved subjects 
    • 14 credits from up to two subjects (approved or non-approved)
    • 14 credits in NCEA Level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau
And meet one of the English entry requirements;

Don’t meet these Academic requirements?

For more information, download the programme regulations (PDF 491 KB)

International students

Academic requirements 

As a part of this requirement, you must be at least 16 years of age and meet one of the country-specific admission requirement

And English entry requirements;

​If English is not your first language, you will also need at least one of the following qualifications:

  • Evidence of an IELTS (Academic) band score of at least 6.5 with no band score lower than 6.0; or
  • A TOEFL score of no less than 575: or
  • University Entrance Literacy: 8 credits at Level 2 or above in English or Māori (4 in Reading, 4 in Writing); or
  • Evidence of English language proficiency as outlined in the NZQA Rules on the Unitec English Language Requirements for International Students Web-page.

Don’t meet these Academic requirements?

For more information, download the programme regulations (PDF 491 KB)

Courses and timetables

For more details on the courses including timetables, please click on the course names below.

Courses Credits Aim
Studio 1 (LAND5021) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To introduce students to the principles of landscape architecture through investigation by design.
Plants and Ecology (LAND5050) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) Introduce plant systems for landscape design within the context of ecological networks
Landscape History (LAND5111) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the development of landscape architectural expression through history and across cultures from earliest recorded settlement to the present day.
Representation (LAND5113) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To introduce graphic media/techniques and develop the fundamental skills necessary for effective visual communication.
CAD Documentation (LAND5215) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) This course focusses on preparing students to produce a landscape design package for council approval using CAD software.
Studio 2 (LAND5222) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To introduce, explore and develop vocabularies of landscape architecture through investigation by design.
Courses Credits Aim
Landscape of Aotearoa (LAND6012) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To explore the evolution of Tangata and Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand, in terms of Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view) and Western worlds.
Contemporary Landscapes (LAND6115) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To cultivate an appreciation of contemporary landscape practice and theory in Europe, America and Australasia.
Studio 3 (LAND6224) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To configure a way in which aspects of cultural production can be used as a strategy to resolve both technical and conceptual aspects of design work.
Studio 5 (LAND6225) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To reinforce and build on the range of conventions of landscape architectural production introduced in previous studios, through the generation of design strategies which address the complexity of context, site and programme. This year encourages an increasingly aware and critical application of these strategies and procedures, testing different combinations of strategies, on increasingly complex sites, operating at many levels, and a variety of scales. Design projects explore the way in which ideas about landscape, techniques and methods for dealing with landscapes and ways of communicating about design are all related to each other, and can influence the process of design.
CAD Studio (LAND6230) 15.0 credits (0.125 EFTS) To provide a fast paced intermediate introduction to the application of computers in landscape architectural design.
Studio 4 (LAND6234) 30.0 credits (0.25 EFTS) To develop and refine a range of strategies for landscape architectural design, with particular reference to the principles and techniques of site engineering and planting design
Landscape Planning Assessment and Management (LAND6338) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To introduce and explore the theoretical and legislative basis of landscape planning and its application in practice.
Courses Credits Aim
Landscape Theory (LAND7115) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To understand landscape theory in the 20th and 21st century with particular reference to urban thinking.
Studio 6 (LAND7226) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To introduce students to different approaches to landscape architectural design by exposing them to the work and design strategies of important accomplished contemporary practitioners with divergent points of view, interest and backgrounds. To enable students to investigate landscape issues by means of design.
Studio 7 (LAND7227) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To demonstrate the development of personal design philosophy and strategies through advanced landscape architectural design.
Professional Practice (LAND7334) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To introduce students to professional relationships and responsibilities and make them aware of contractual, ethical, professional and inter-professional roles.
Urban Ecology (LAND7401) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To develop an understanding of the interrelationships between people, the built environment, the natural environment, and the role of landscape architecture.
Courses Credits Aim
Negotiated Study (Sem A) (LAND8000-SA) 30.0 credits (0.25 EFTS) To demonstrate the development of personal philosophy and landscape architectural strategies through the completion of a self-directed, advanced landscape architectural research project.
Negotiated Study (Sem B) (LAND8000-SB) 30.0 credits (0.25 EFTS) To demonstrate the development of personal philosophy and landscape architectural strategies through the completion of a self-directed, advanced landscape architectural research project.
Courses Credits Aim
Negotiated Study (LAND6000) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To produce a publication that develops a professional understanding of design presentation in landscape architecture.
Negotiated Study (Publication) (LAND6001) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To produce a publication that develops a professional understanding of design presentation in landscape architecture
Life Drawing (LAND6013) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To analyse and depict the human form through the use of acquired observational skills and drawing technique
Negotiated Study (Exchange) (LAND6050) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To develop specific skills and competencies in landscape architecture through non-local semester exchange.
Courses Credits Aim
Negotiated Study (Study Tour) (LAND7001) 15 credits (0.125 EFTS) To directly experience, and develop a specific interest in a landscape, within a specified non-local context.
Negotiated Study (Exchange) (LAND7050) 30 credits (0.25 EFTS) To develop specific skills and competencies in landscape architecture through non-local semester exchange.