Norka Mella
JOB: Chef Tutor, Auckland Hotel and Chefs Training School
QUALIFICATION: Certificate in English
"I'm originally from Chile where I trained and worked as a chef. I arrived in New Zealand on a stopover on my travels, and I instantly fell in love with this place and decided to live in this paradise. The Certificate in English helped me achieve my dreams of being a chef tutor. I love being in the kitchen, cooking and sharing my experience with the students. I’ve won two Bronze Medals in the NZ Culinary Fare, one for a vegetarian dish and one for a salmon dish. And I’m now studying an adult learning certificate so that I can be an even better tutor for my students.
I just loved the multicultural student environment, and the tutors were very supportive. Making a presentation in front of many people in a different language can be difficult, but the final class presentation about my work experience was fun and exciting at the same time."