Concerned about exam grade

If you have concerns that your exam grade is not correct, you can use the options below to address this concern.

You will need to be able to articulate clearly why you consider your grade to be incorrect and have a reasonable basis for claiming this. 

You can ask for assistance and support from Student Support at any time about this issue.

Talk with your lecturer

In the first instance, it is recommended that you raise any issue with your lecturer so that steps can be taken to resolve your concerns informally.

Request to view exam script

You can request to view any of your exam scripts after they have been marked at no additional cost. Students cannot take away a copy of their marked exam script and will be accompanied by a staff member when they are viewing it. Complete this form to request to view your exam script.

Request for Exam Script Online Form »

Request recount of exam script

If you think you have found an error in the addition of the marks on your exam script, you can apply to have your exam script recounted - this is not a re-marking of your exam script. It is a recount of the marks.

You must apply for a recount within 15 days of receiving your result notification. 

A lecturer will check the marking has been correctly added up. 

It will cost $25 (incl GST) for each exam script recount.

Request for Recount Online Form »

This form should only be completed to request a recount of an exam script. Talk to your lecturer or programme coordinator for recounts of other types of assessments or tests.

Reconsideration of exam grade

Find out more about how to submit an application to have your grade reconsidered.