Sustainable Food Systems (NSCI8014TP)

15.0 (0.125 EFTS)
Students develop critical evaluation skills as they assess the global food system and alternative food systems. They will critique a range of approaches to food production and distribution (including indigenous approaches) assessing the effectiveness of these at reducing impacts to ecosystems, biodiversity and human health. They will evaluate definitions of food security and food sovereignty and how these have changed over time. They will appraise case studies of local food systems, identifying barriers to the development of systems which generate local employment, increase availability of local foods and increase local food security and sovereignty.
Pre-requisites / Co-requisites: 
Students must be admitted to the Master of Applied Science programme or the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science programme or the Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science programme to enrol in this course.
Choose your class for this course from the option(s) below. You will need to attend all the sessions in that class to complete the course. Where more than one class number is shown, choose one of them and attend all sessions within that class number. (Note: If a class is held in different locations at the same time, you only need to attend all the sessions in one of the locations.)
There are no classes on public holidays.
Note: Currently, this course is not offered for any programme or this course is for an old programme.