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Tūwhitia Symposium 2024 - Ākonga success - Designing for the future

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Setting tertiary education learners up for success in a world profoundly impacted by AI.

This conference is for senior decision makers within tertiary education and training organisations, who have responsibility for learner success*.

The conference strands cover the following:

(a) Data, technology and artificial intelligence
(b) Holistic ākonga support and ancestral intelligence
(c) Curriculum, learning and teaching, and academic integrity


International keynote speakers

Professor Adam Bridgeman, Pro Vice-Chancellor in charge of Educational Innovation at the University of Sydney. 

Professor Bridgeman was previously a Professor, at the School of Chemistry at the University of Sydney and has an extensive range of research interests, publications and awards in the fields of chemistry, and teaching and learning.


Professor Jessica Vanderlelie, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Success, La Trobe University, Melbourne

Professor Vanderlelie leads the university in developing and implementing a sustainable and integrated strategy to improve the student experience and outcomes. A key focus of this work is to facilitate successful student transition and prepare graduates for the changing world of work. She is a passionate academic who has demonstrated sustained leadership in learning and teaching in the Australian higher education sector with a key focus on supporting student and graduate success. She is an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow and led a national programme titled Engaging Alumni for Graduate Success.


Peter-Lucas Jones, CEO of iwi broadcasting organisation and iwi innovation hub Te Hiku Media and Chairman of Te Whakaruruhau o Ngā Reo Irirangi Māori (National Iwi Radio Network).

His governance experience includes membership in The Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, Creative New Zealand, and being a former Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Negotiator for Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri.


Programme highlights

DAY 1: Programme - 8.45 am - 4.30 pm + networking events

  • 8.45 am Pōwhiri - Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec, Gate 3
  • 5.30 pm - Networking event - Toi o Wairaka Gallery, Unitec, Gate 4

DAY 2: Programme - 8.30 am - 4.30 pm

  • 8.30 am - Te Wai Unuroa o Wairaka – puna tour - Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec, Gate 3
  • 9.00 am - Welcome and whakatau - Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec, Gate 3
  • 4.15 pm - Karakia whakamutunga – closing address and karakia - Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec, Gate 3

A detailed programme including the list of speakers, workshops and panels will be released shortly. To find out more about attendance for your organisation, please contact the Event team via

The kupu ‘tūwhitia’ means to expel or banish. Taken from a whakatauākī (2011) by the late James Wharehuia Milroy “Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitu” which Wharehuia translated as meaning “Eliminate the negative, accentuate the positive”, or more literally, “overcome the obstacles, to elevate success”.


Register now

*In addition to accepted presenters, please note this is an invite-only event. Maximum of 2 representatives per organisation.