
Hospital play specialist

Whai Ake Māori Mentoring Opportunity - Tuakana

Applications for 2024 employment are now closed.


The Whai Ake Māori mentoring programme aims to provide a strong support system for tauira Māori in tertiary education. The programme is designed to support tauira to engage with their culture throughout their journey at Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka and to enhance their leadership capabilities.  

We want all tauira Māori who meet the eligiblity criteria and who can demonstrate a commitment to the Whai Ake programme to consider applying. 


Kate Edger Postgraduate Diploma Awards

Applications for 2025 are now open

Closing date: 18 November 2024


Applicants for the Postgraduate Diploma Awards must be:

a) women;
b) New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents;
c) enrolled or planning to enrol full time for a Postgraduate Diploma, for the following academic year, at an approved institute in the Auckland region

In making these awards, the selection committee shall give consideration to:

Kate Edger Practicum Awards

2025 Applications

Closing date: 17 February 2025


To assist a woman to carry out study for a Bachelor's or Master's degree  or Postgraduate Diploma with a required practicum component at an approved institute in the Auckland region. Up to four awards will be made for a year of study that requires a student to undertake a practicum which is usually unpaid and involves travel or residence away from home.

This award is administered by the Kate Edger Foundation.

Pacific & Maori architecture on the rise

Tuputau Cadimage Group Student Design AwardsTuputau says there is an increasing interest in Pacific and Maori architecture, and was selected for his indigenous Pacific-styled concepts.
Judges for the Cadimage Group Student Design Awards said Tuputau’s work “beautifully describes some of the processes and artefacts of Samoan culture and draws design inspiration from La Malofie, traditional Samoan tattooing.”

Sarah Killick

Film by Yamin Tun-Wait
