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Hugh Wilson

Academic Programme Manager
School of Building Construction
Location: Building 114, Room 4013


Wilson, H.B. (2022). Use of public transportation systems for package delivery services. Tech Futures, Auckland.

Leaver, J., Blakely, J., Loo, W., Tuleasca, L., Phillips, D., Chai, E., McMullan, R., Wilson, H., & Birchmore, R. (2022). Collaboration Across New Zealand ITPs: The Bachelor of Engineering Technology Three-Year Engineering Degree Programme as an Exemplar. Chan S. NZ (Vol. 1st).

Wilson, H.B. (2020). Microcredentials Pilot Project - Final Report. Auckland, Unitec.

Wilson, H. (2019). What Civil Engineering Graduates actually do. NZBED Forum, Christchurch.

Wilson, H. (2019). Microcredentials: meeting the needs of learners and employers. Unitec Teaching and Learning Symposium, Auckland.

Wilson, H., & Hay, M. (2019). Use of online on-demand microcredentials to provide an alterrnative learning pathway for an engineering diploma programme. Proceedings of the AAEE 2019 30th Annual Conference (not yet published).

Wilson, H., & Hay, M. (2018). Using microcredentials to enable the use of the NZDE (Civil) to provide more flexible and focused response to industry requirements. Auckland, Engineering E2E.

Wilson, H. (2018). How could micro-credentials be used to improve the success of construction workers transitioning to technical education? Massey University, New Zealand.

Wilson, H., & Phillips, D. (2017). A pilot study into the use of regular short quizzes in a flipped learning class. Lucy Patston and Simon Nash, New Zealand Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference 2017.

Wilson, Hugh. (2016). Encouraging young people into engineering. Civil Contractors NZ Annual Conference, Auckland.

Wilson, H. (2016). Construction Practices short blended course. NZDE/BEngTech Forum, Wellington.

Wilson, H.B. (2015). What do our graduates do? Metro Group BEngTech Forum, Wellington.

Wilson, H. B. (2015). MOOCs and blended learning. Metro Group BEngTech Forum, Wellington.

Wilson, H.B. (2015). Cooperative production of learning resources. Metro Group BEngTech Forum, Wellington.

Wilson, H.B. (2014). Typical roles and activities of Civil Engineering Technicians and Technologists in their first three years after graduation. Australasian Association of Engineering Educators, Wellington.

Wilson, H.B. (2013). The use of flipped learning in an engineering technician management course. Proceedings of the 2013 AAEE Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,.