Dr Joanna Thorogood
Thorogood, J. (2022). Digital Technology: MIT Friend or Foe. The Auckland/Northland Branch of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology, University of Auckland, Medical School.
Thorogood, J. (2022). The Experiences of Medical Imaging Technologists Regarding the Introduction and Ongoing Use of Digital Technology. Regenerate: New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology Annual Conference, Palmerston North.
Lin, F., Hantz, M., & Thorogood, J. (2022). MR Arthrogram. Regenerate: New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology Annual Conference, Palmerston North.
Aziz, J., Thorogood, J., & Yang, L. (2022). Introducing multimodal Objective Structural Practical Exam (OSPE) to assess anatomy competency, and to improve student's ability in Medical Imaging practice. ANZACA 2022: Learning from each other. University of Queensland, Australia.
Thorogood, J. (2021). Out of the darkroom and into the dark: The experiences of Medical Imaging Technologists regarding the introduction and ongoing use of new technology. Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Aziz, J., Thorogood, J., & Wu, L. (2021). Moving to the Future: Incorporating Ultrasound as a Teaching Tool of Anatomy to Medical Imaging Students. Anatomical Society Summer Meeting: "Cutting Edge Anatomy", Glasgow.
Wu, L., Thorogood, J., & Vyas, M. (2020). Application of Quantitative CT and Artificial Intelligence in Assessment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD).DOI :10.26044/ecr2020/C-02475. European Congress of Radiology (ECR)-2020, Vienna.
Vyas, M., Aziz, J., & Thorogood, J. (2020). A journey on an unknown path: the unexpected experience of online simulation-based teaching to medical imaging students under COVID-19 lockdown. Simulation-Based Education in Radiography/MRS: A Response to COVID-19, Online organized by Universit of Liverpool, UK.
Wu, L., Thorogood, J., & Vyas, M. (2019). The Implication of Quantitative CT and Artificial Intelligence in COPD of Maori Population. 4th Asian Congress of Thoracic Imaging Conference, Shanghai, China.
Aziz, J., & Thorogood, J. (2019). The Effectiveness of Concomitant Use of Cross-Sectional Anatomy and CT images in Teaching Anatomy to Medical Imaging Students. The Annual conference of ANZACA 2019, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
Uche, C., Vyas, M., Thorogood, J., Round, W., & Cree, M. (2019). Monte Carlo Simulation of the Compton Camera for Nuclear Medicine Imaging. EPSM 2018, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
Sheehan, D., de Bueger, T., Thorogood, J., Sitters, S., & Deo, A. (2018). Beyond competencies - describing work ready plus graduates for the New Zealand medical imaging workforce. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences (Vol. xxxx).
Thorogood, J. (2018). Pressing the Button or Flipping the Switch? Developing "Soft Skills" in Medical Imaging Students. NZIMRT Annual Conference 2018: Beyond the Button, Dunedin.
Sheehan, D., Thorogood, J., Sitters, S., O'Callahan, K., & Stott, C. (2018). Crossing the road at night. Running a multi station scenario between the hospital and a skills unit. Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE), Hobart.
Thorogood, J., Sitters, S., & Sheehan, D. (2017). "Applying Scott's Professional and Graduate Capability Framework to an MIT degree in New Zealand". ANZAHPE, Adelaide.
Thorogood, J. (2017). "Integrating Quality and Patient Safety across the Continuum of Education". NZIMRT Educators forum, Nelson.
Hammond, K., Thorogood, J., Jenkins, A., and Faaiuaso, D. (2015). A friendly destination: Normalising first-year science student help-seeking through an academic literacy Targeted Learning Session. A Practice Report. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, doi:10.5204/intjfyhe.v6i1.276 (Vol. 6(1)).
Hammond, K., Thorogood, J., Jenkins, A., and Faaiuaso, D. (2014). Many birds with one stone: A targeted learning session for first year medical imaging students. 28 November, 2014. Association Of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand (ATLAANZ) Conference, AUT University, Auckland.
Thorogood, J., Haven, J., Farrry, M., and Rhodes, D. (2014). A Case Study : Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interprofessional Collaboration In A "Flipped Classroom". New Zealand Interprofessional Health Conference 2014, Auckland.