Dr Hamish Foote
Hamish graduated with a Doctorate in Fine Arts in 2005 from the University of Auckland, and has been teaching art, architecture and landscape architecture since 1996.
Hamish is also a practicing artist, consistently exhibiting work in both private and public galleries since the early 1980s.
Ongoing, alongside artistic and academic commitments, is an engagement of over 20 years in garden design and management. Hamish has a rigorous and intense interest in plants and general nomenclature, which become dominant themes explored in the methodology of his design work.
Research: Hamish's past research has focused on the ramifications in New Zealand of colonization, in particular: the intersection of exotic and endemic species; neo-European landscapes; and the natural history enthusiasts that instigated and recorded New Zealand colonization. More recently research activity has shifted towards landscape analysis and design methodology.
Find out more on www.fieldla2.com
Foote, H., (Artist) (2024). Ruru IV, egg tempera on gessoed panel. Ruru V, egg tempera on gessoed panel. Libby Storey, Artis Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand.
Foote, H., Haines-Te Whare, M., & Newman, P. (2023). Embedding Mātauranga Māori in Architectural Education. Asylum (Vol. 2).
Foote, H., (Artist) (2022). Ruru I (egg tempera on gessoed panel). Ruru II (egg tempera on gessoed panel). Libby Storey, Artis Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, 6 December - 23rd December 2022.
Foote, H., Su, B., Wu, L., & Smith, T. (2022). The School of Architecture e-Newsletter. Asylum (Vol. No. 1 (2022)).
Pretty, A., & Foote, H. (2021). The Rabbit, the Ermine and the Gaze. Auckland, New Zealand, Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. Unitec ePress).
Foote, H., & Pretty, A. C. (2020). Psalm. Asylum 2020, Unitec ePress, Asylum 2020 ePress (Vol. 4(4)).
Cornish, B., (Artist), & Foote, H., (Artist) (2019). Leucism I, egg tempera on gessoed kauri panel.
Leucism II, egg tempera on gessoed kauri panel.
Leucism III, egg tempera on gessoed kauri panel.
Ermine, egg tempera on gessoed kauri panel.
Fairy Tern, water colour + titanium white.
Black Petrel, water colour + Chinese white. Libby Storey, Artis, Auckland, New Zealand, 13th August - 2nd September, 2019.
Foote, H., (Artist) (2018). Beilschmiedia tarairi and Queensland Fruit Flies (watercolour). S Benham (botanical artist), Dr. R. Ferguson (Horticultural Scientist and Botanical Art Collector), and R. Stanley. Auckland Botanic Gardens 30 March - 1 July 2018. Wellington Botanic Gardens 1 August - 9 September 2018. Millennium Gallery, Blenheim 3 November - 9 December 2018.
Aquilar, G., Blanchon, D., Foote, H., & Fraser, D. (2018). Potential spread of invasive species in NZ: modelling, mapping & art. 2018 New Zealand ESRI User Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Foote, H., Blanchon, DJ., Waipara, N., & Aguilar, G. (2017). Alien Nation: Art serving science and science serving art. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 2).
Aquilar, G.D., Blanchon, D.J., Foote, H., Pollanais, C.W., & Mosee, A.N. (2017). A Performance based consensus approach for predicting spatial extent of the Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) in New Zealand under climate change. Ecological Informatics (Vol. Volume 39).
Foote, H., & Griffiths, C. P. (2016). A Delicate Balancing Act. X-Section (Vol. 6).
Foote, H., & Griffiths, C.P. (2016). A Delicate Balancing Act. X-Section (Vol. 6).
Foote, H., (Designer and Presenter), & Griffiths, C.P., (Designer and Presenter) (2016). Creative Living Programme, TV3, Season 1, Episode 7. New Zealand, 2 Tui Productions.
Foote, H. A. (2015). The Bird Show. A group exhibition curated by Mandy Thomsett-Taylor at The Vivian, Matakana, New Zealand.17th January - 15 February 2015. Two egg tempera paintings on gessoed wooden panel: Glory be to God, Anonymous and the Kakariki 1. http://thevivian.co.nz/the-bird-show/. Mandy Thomsett-Taylor, The Vivian, Matakana, New Zealand. 17th January - 15 February 2015.
Aquilar, G., Blanchon, D., Foote, H., Pollonais, C., & Mosee, A. (2015). Queensland Fruit Fly Invasion of New Zealand: Predicting Area Suitability Under Future Climate Change Scenarios. Auckland, New Zealand, Perspectives in Biosecurity Research Series (Vol. Unitec ePress).
Foote, H., and Ching, R. (2013). Flight - Ray Ching/Hamish Foote
An exhibition supporting the Birds a Plenty Festival, featuring the works of acclaimed UK-based New Zealand painter Ray Ching and Auckland-based artist Hamish Foote. Sheaff Family Gallery, Whakatane Museum, 12 October - 17 November 2013.
Foote, H. (2013). Inflorescence: An exhibition in association with Pamela Wolfe of a series of egg tempera on gessoed panel paintings. Artis Gallery, Auckland.
Blanchon, D., and Foote, H. (2013). Inflorescence. Xsection Journal, ISBN2230-6277 (Vol. Issue 3).
Foote, H. (2012). Pheasant (Lithograph). Proof, Auckland Print Studio, Papakura Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand. 24 Novermber - 22 December.
Foote, H. (2011). The Art of Science. An exhibition of the Royal Society of New Zealand in partnership with The New Zealand Portrait Gallery. Wellington, New Zealand, 1 March - 22 May, http://www.portraitgallery.nzl.ort/exx/aos.html.
Foote, H., Griffiths, C.P., and Aitken, D. (2011). CONTEXT (An exhibition of plans, sections/elevations and perspectives by Unitec lecturers and members of Landscape Architectural Practise Field LA). Snowhite Gallery, Unitec New Zealand, 26th September - 21st October.
Foote, H., Griffiths, C.P., and Aitken, D. (2011). Field_LA: How bout a bit? ISBN 978-0-473-19681-3.
Foote, H., Griffiths, C., and Aitken, D. (2010). Queens Wharf Competition. Architecture New Zealand (Vol. 2).
Foote, H., Griffiths, C., and Aitken, D. (2010). Drawing Inspiration. Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Autumn 2010).
Foote , H. (2010). What Art can achieve with Science. Advance Magazine (Vol. Winter 2010).
Foote, H., Griffiths, C., and Aitken, D. (2010). Auckland Waterfront. Babage Consultants LTD, CPD Programe.
Foote, H., Griffiths, C., and Aitken, D. (2010). What Should Be Done On Our Waterfront? Ponsonby News (Vol. July 2010).
Foote, H., Griffiths, C., and Aitken, D. (2010). Landscape Leads the Design. Advance Magazine (Vol. Winter).
Foote, H. (2010). Una Mas. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Artists Image Resource, 12 June - 5 July.
Griffiths, C., Aitken, D., and Foote, H. (2009). Shift. Opening the Red Gates.
Griffiths, C., Aitken, D., and Foote, H. (2009). Welling-tongue. Positvely Wellington's Waterfont: Blue Sky Outer-T Architectural Competition (Vol. 178).
Griffiths, C., Foote, H., and Aitken, D. (2009). Departure from landscape architecture convention, arrival of academic and practice as a model for landscape architecture. Threaded (Vol. 7 7).
Griffiths, C., Foote, H., and Aitken, D. (2009). Re-programming the costal edge. Rising Tides.
Foote, H. (2008). Faces of Nature in the World. Sisam, A.
Foote, H. (2008). Naturae Vulti in Orbe - Faces of Nature in the World. Auckland, Artis Gallery.
Griffiths, C. (2006). Reframing the given. Barnett, R., and Foote, H. School of Architecture and Landscape.
Griffiths, C., and Foote, H. (2006). Design process. Design Conference or Teachers of Graphics.
Foote, H. (2006). Interview by Linda Herrick (Arts Editor): The last supper. The New Zealand Herald (Vol. 15 March).
Foote, H. (2006). The feathered drawer. .
Foote, H. (2006). Birds-The art of New Zealand birdlife. .
Foote, H. (2006). Bugged! Athropods in the gallery. .
Foote, H. (2006). The feathered drawer [Exhibition catalogue]. .
Foote, H. (2005). Exotica indigenis immixta. Unpublished Doctor of Fine Arts thesis, The University of Auckland, Auckland. Supervisor: M. Dunn & D. Watkins.
Foote, H. A. (2004). Strictly for the birds. The New Zealand Herald (11 February), B5. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?ObjectID+3548487
Foote, H. A. (2004). Working with gesso and gilding. Presented to the public and members of the Lopdell House Gallery Society, 21 February, Auckland, New Zealand.
Foote, H. A. (2004). Exotica Indigenis Immixta (Water colour on paper and egg tempera paintings on gessoed Kauri, Totara and silver leaf on Oak). 6 February - 14 March. Lopdell House Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand.
Foote, H., & Cornish, B. (2003). The lost birds (09 illustration/graphic
10a ceramics). 3-21 December. Artis, Auckland.Foote, H. (2002). Biota (10a painting). 11 September-6 October. Artis Gallery, Auckland.
Foote, H. (2002). Titirangi: The fringe of Heaven (10a painting). 1 February-10 March. Lopdell House, Waitakere.
Foote, H. (2001). Prints - A Group Show (painting). June. Te Whau Gallery, New Plymouth.
Foote, H. (2001). Lyric (painting). 28 February - 25 March. Artis Gallery, Auckland.
Foote, H. (2001). Artis 2001 - Small Scale (painting). 4 December 2001 - 27 January 2002. Artis Gallery, Parnell, Auckland, Auckland.
Foote, H. (1999). White Island (painting). 1-19 June. Artstation Gallery, Auckland.
Foote, H. (1998). Art / Practice. Public Lecture. Presented to the Elam School of Art, The University of Auckland, Auckland.
Foote, H. (1998). New Members Group Show. ASA Gallery, Auckland.