Sanjeev Vellore Ranganathan
Singh, Niranjan., Kumar, Radhika., & Vellore Ranganathan, Sanjeev Kumar. (2022). Fostering active assessment: Re-convergence of student learning profile and assessment methods. MIT - Unitec Research Symposium 2022, Unitec.
Mirzaei, M., Vellore Ranganathan, SK., Kearns, N., & Sreenivas, T. (2021). A qualitative analysis of success factors when adopting new software systems in the retail sector in New Zealand. 21st International Business Horizon-INBUSH ERA, Virtual International Research Conference. 21st International Business Horizon-INBUSH ERA-2021, Virtual International Research Conference.
Vellore Ranganathan, S K., Malhotra, M., & Chitalia, Abha. (2021). Embedding Soft Skills through a Māori Framework in a Business Course. Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes/ 2021 Unitec/MIT Research Symposium, Virtual.
Singh, N., Vellore Ranganathan, S K., Saifoloi, M., Bakmeedeniya, A., Tawaketini, J., & Kudin, R. (2021). An analysis of assessment methods in Practice-based vocational education: Is memory-based assessments valid for vocational students? Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes/ 2021 Unitec/MIT Research Symposium, Virtual.
Vellore, S. (2020). Integrating and Educating Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Partners. Thailand, Journal of Health Science (Vol. Vol. 29 No. 3, May - June 2020).
Vellore Ranganathan, SK., & Musika, F. (2020). Identifying Critical Leadership Soft skills for Career Success:. Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mirzaei, M., & Vellore, S. (2019). Mobility: A by-product of supply chain integration. Mobilities Research Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Mirzaei, M., Kearns, N., & Vellore, S. (2019). Resistance to change can improve change management. New Zealand Applied Business Education, Christchurch - New Zealand.
Mirzaei, M., Vellore, S., & Saifoloi, M. (2019). Weaving Authentic Assessments into Operations Management Teaching. New Zealand Applied Business Education, Christchurch - New Zealand.
Mirzaei, M., Vellore, S., Mitra, E., David, A., & Nick, K. (2019). Investigating Challenges to SME Deployment of Operational Business Intelligence. UCC '19 Companion: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion, Auckland.