Dr Matthew Bradbury

PhD Architecture Auck.,DipHort Massey., BArch (Hons) Auck., Fulbright Senior Scholar 2003-4., MLA (RMIT)Professional memberships
- Allied Professional, New Zealand Institute of Architects
- Affiliate New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture
Matthew Bradbury is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at UNITEC, New Zealand, where he leads the Landscape Architecture programme.
Matthew’s research focuses on building resilience to the impacts of climate change, particularly pluvial flooding. He is especially interested in how climate change will shape the future of our cities and what urban models can help protect lives and property. Matthew has published extensively and presented numerous papers at conferences both in Aotearoa and internationally. His most recent publication is “Water City: Practical Strategies to Address Climate Change,” published by Routledge in 2020. Since the great anniversary day deluge in Tāmaki in 2023, Matthew has been a sought-after commentator on how citizens can protect their homes from urban flooding, appearing on various radio, newspaper, and TV interviews.
Recently, Matthew has been collaborating with the Politecnico di Milano on a research project examining the implications of flooding in the Agro Pontina region. This project was part of an visiting research professorship, culminating in an international research symposium in Milano.
Matthew is also a director of BMLA, a practice specializing in the integration of landscape, infrastructure, and urban development. With over twenty years of experience, he has worked on a wide range of projects in New Zealand, PR China, and the EU. Recent projects in New Zealand have applied his research to the design of public spaces, including the restoration of urban streams, daylighting of stormwater pipes, planting of green corridors, and installation of stormwater treatment devices such as rain gardens, wetlands, detention ponds, and swales.
Matthew teaches at both graduate and undergraduate levels. His postgraduate supervision focuses on climate change issues, encouraging researchers to explore contemporary flooding issues in Tāmaki and practical strategies to mitigate these effects. At the undergraduate level, he works with the BLA teaching team to help students explore how landscape architectural practice can address significant social and political concerns in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Bradbury, MA., Wang, Xinxin., & Melchiors, Lucia. (2023). Exploring a new urban design model to help the community build resilience to flooding: A case study between Unitec students and the Mangere community, Auckland. Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism, Unitec Institute of Technology.
Bradbury, M.A. (2023). Managed Retreat. RICOLLOCAZIONE PIANIFICATA Progettare la resilienza territoriale nell'era del cambiamento climatico/MANAGED RETREAT Designing for Flood Resilience in the Era of Climate Change, Politecnico de Milano.
Bradbury, M.A. (2022). Managed Retreat. 2022 NZILA Firth Conference Tāmaki Makaurau, Tamaki.
Bradbury, M. A. (2022). Landscape Architects and Climate Change. Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahau 1972-2022.
Bradbury, M.A., & Aachal, A. (2021). Case Study: New approaches to managing stormwater in cities. Climate Sensitive Towns & Communities, Wellington.
Melchiors, L.C., Wang, X., & Bradbury, M.A. (2021). A collaborative design studio approach to safeguard waterfront resilience in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Piotr Lorens and Hanwelani Hope Magidimisha, the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress "Post-Oil City: Planning for Urban Green Deals".
Bradbury, Matthew. (2021). Water City. Practical Strategies for Climate Change. 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN, Routledge (Vol. Ist).
Bradbury, M.A., & Wang, X. (2021). 绿色基础设施城市主义和气候变化
Green Infrastructural Urbanism and Climate Change. Landscape Architecture (Vol. 28).
Bradbury, M.A. (2021). Climate Change Workshop. Unitec Research Symposium Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes, UNITEC.
Bradbury, M.A. (2021). Climate Change Commission - time to step up. New Zealand, NZILA.
Bradbury, M.A. (2021). Green Urbanism Panel: How exactly can cities create a new GREEN normal? Urban Futures, AUT Events Centre Auckland.
Bradbury, M.A. (2021). Climate Change and Urban Design. Fletcher Living, 810 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061.
Bradbury, M.A. (2021). Water City. ITU Landscape Architecture Department's Thursday Seminar Series "Water and Climate, On line.
Bogunovich, D., Bradbury, M.A., Melchiors, L.C., & Wang, X. (2020). Landscape regionalism: Sketching Auckland as a resilient city-region. Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning, online.
Bradbury, M.A. (2020). Harry Turbott. New Zealands First Landscape Architect. Garth Falconer, Landscape Aoteroa (Vol. 1).
Bradbury, M.A. (2020). Nature City. How our cities can adapt to climate change. 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Auckland.
Bradbury, M.A. (2020). The Resilient Waterfront. University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Scott, D., Bogunovich, D., & Bradbury, M. (2019). Designing Aotearoa New Zealand with nature: landscape regeneration of Western Waiheke Island. Socio-Ecological Practice Research (Vol. 1).
Bradbury, M., Melchiors, L. C., Wang, X., & Byrd, H. (2018). The Hihiaua Studio. Auckland, New Zealand, Unitec ePress.
Bradbury, M. A. (2018). The Resilient Waterfront. 2018 NZILA Firth Conference. City Taone, Auckland New Zealand.
Wang, X., & Bradbury, M. (2018). Planning a new Auckland city learning from China. 2018 Urbanism New Zealand Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Wang, X., Bradbury, M., Melchiors, L. C., & Byrd, H. (2018). Collaborative student and community design in a time of Climate Change: Planning a flood-resilient waterfront in New Zealand. ISOCARP Review (Vol. 14).
Bradbury, M., Wang, X., Byrd, H., & Melchiors, L.C. (2017). Hihiaua - A Unitec Landscape/Architecture Studio. X-Section (Vol. 7).
Bradbury, M. A., (landscape architect) (2016). Poster of the Alexandra Stream Cycle Path project. H. Crothers, Silo 6 Gallery, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, New Zealand, 19 - 25 September.
Bradbury, M. A. (2016). Te Ara/Alexandra Stream Cycle Path. Ceccon, P. and Zampieri, L. Shanghai, China.
Bradbury, M. A., & Bogunovich, D. (2016). Curing Auckland's Growing Pains. Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand Herald (Vol. Mon 16 January).
Bradbury, M. A. (2016). The Chrematistic Waterfront. Landscape Architecture As Necessity, School of Architecture, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Bradbury, M. (2016). Sponge City Bringing Nature to the Chinese City. Sponge City Constructing Technology Forum at the First Shandong Provincial City Construction Expo. Linyi, Shandong Province, China.
Simon, K. M., & Bradbury, M. A. (2016). Hooton Reserve Stream Daylighting. Landscape Architecture New Zealand, AGM Publishing Limited (Vol. Autumn 2016 no. 29).
Bradbury, M.A., & de Costa, G.S. (2015). STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT CASE OF FREEMANS BAY AUCKLAND. Arthur Mynett, Deltas of the Future and what Happens Upstream.
Bradbury, M.A. (2015). Review of the book Living in Paradox. G. Falconer, Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Winter 2015).
Bradbury, M.A. (2015). Urban Heirloom East Tamaki. Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Winter).
Wang, X., & Bradbury, M. A. (2015). Preserving a Green Space Network for a Regional Auckland. International Symposium on Megaregions in China, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, Australia.
Wang, X., & Bradbury, M.A. (2015). The emergence of a green network for a future regional Auckland. X-Section Journal (Vol. 5).
Bradbury, M.A. (2015). The Garden City of the 21st Century. In M. Ignatieva, N. Thorne, E. Golosova, P. Berg, P. Hedfors, T. Eriksson & D. Menzies, Proceedings of the 52nd World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects: History of the Future.
Bradbury, M.A. (2015). The Tempered Edge: Waterfront development in an age of climate change. A. Hatakka and J. Vehmas, Proceedings of the Sustainable Futures in a Changing Climate Conference.
Bradbury, M. A. (2015). The Chrematistic Waterfront: Paying for the environmentally sustainable waterfront. Cumulus Mumbai 2015: In a planet of our own - a vision of sustainability with focus on water, Mumbai, India.
Bradbury, M. A. (2014). Mainstreet. Landscape New Zealand, AGM Publishing (Vol. Summer(48)).
Bradbury, M. (2014). The Sustainable Waterfront. XX, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4852-4.ch093 (Vol. 1).
Bradbury, M. A. (2014). Waterfronts: Globalist development vs local ecology. Presented at the Cities Future Conference: Cities as strategic places and players in a globalized world. The European Urban Research Association (EURA) and the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Paris, France.
Bradbury, M. A. (2014). The Tempered Edge: Waterfront development in an age of climate change. Presented at Sustainable Futures in a Changing Climate Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Bradbury, M. A., & Bogunovich, D. (2014). Linear City - Water City: How can an exchange between landscape and infrastructure generate an alternative Auckland Plan? X-Section Journal (Vol. 4 (Exchange)).
Bradbury, M.A. (2013). Waterfront Ecology: Two waterfront design case studies in Auckland N.Z. and Furong New Town, P.R. China. Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions, Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, in collaboration with the Technical Chamber of Greece.18-21 June 2013. Skiathos, Greece.
Bradbury, M.A. (2013). Pluvial Urbanism: Stormwater Minimization/Remediation and Waterfront Design. WATER AND PLANNING: THE FLUID CHALLENGE. World Town Planning Day Online Conference 2013.
Bradbury, M.A. (2013). Let's build green defences against rising sea. The New Zealand Herald, Jan 30, www.nzherald.co.nz/weather/news/article.cfm?c_id=10&objectid=10862382.
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Opportunity in Christchurch Tragedy. NZ Herald , Tuesday March 20, 2012.
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Auckland Ecologies. Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Winter 2012).
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Modern Times. Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Winter 2012).
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Reslient Sprawl. Governing City Futures Conference, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, 16 August 2012.
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Auckland Ecologies. X Section, Department of Landscape Architecture, Unitec. (Vol. Issue 2).
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M.A. (2012). The Long Flat City:Decompacting Auckland City Planning. Future Proof 2012, The University of Auckland NCAI. 2 October 2012.
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Reactions to the Christchurch Recovery Plan. Cross Section, NZILA. (Vol. September 2012).
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Auckland One Year On. Institute of Public Administration NZ. 13 December 2012.
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Te Ara Alexandra Stream Cycle Path. Landscape Architecture New Zealand (Vol. Autumn 2012).
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Resilient Waterfronts:Urban Planning in an Age of Climate Change. Society, Politics and Climate Change. Nagindas Khandwala College. Mumbai, India. 3-4 December.
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M. (2012). Auckland 2040. Planning Quarterly (Vol. March 2012).
Bradbury, M.A. (2012). Pluvial Urbanism. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. 21 -23 February 2012. Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne.
Bogunovich, D., and Bradbury, M. (2011). Auckland Spatial Plan: Water City + Linear City. Report to Auckland Council, February 2011, Auckland.
Bradbury, M.A. (2011). Cleaning up harbours could transform city. New Zealand Herald (Vol. Jan.13).
Bradbury, M.A. (2011). Auckland Water CITY. .
Bradbury, M.A. (2011). The Sustainable Waterfront. In D. O. Y. Ercoskun (Ed.), Green and Ecological Technologies for Urban Planning: Creating Smart Cities:. Green and Ecological Technologies for Urban Planning: Creating Smart Cities.
Bradbury, M.A., and Mckegg, M.M. (2011). Matthew Bradbury and Margaret Mckegg. In Professor Ian Spellerberg, Hon. FEIANZ, CEnvP (Ed.). . Canterbury University Press. Christchurch, N.Z. Native by Design.
Bradbury, M.A. (2010). The Contemporary Waterfront, From City to Park. Urban Transformations:Controversies,Contrasts, and Challenges. Proceedings of 14th International Planning History Society Conference, ISBN 978-975-561-375-8(tk) (Vol. vol 2).
Bradbury, M.A. (2010). A Grand Avenue. Landscape New Zealand (Vol. Summer).
Bradbury, M.A. (2010). The Sustainable Waterfront. A new Agenda for Global Governance. The 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong. http://www.kadinst.hku.hk/sdconf10/Papers_PDF/p254.pdf.
Bradbury, M. (2009). The Sustaninable Urban Territory, towards an Environmental Urbanism. Low Carbon Cities: The 45th ISOCARP Congress.
Bradbury, M. (2008). Lets have our park and cruise ships too. New Zealand Herald.
Bradbury, M. (2007). Garden Urbanism in China and New Zealand. Bull, C., Boontharm, D., Parin, C., Radvic, D., and Tapie, G. Cross-cultural urban design global or local practice?.
Bradbury, M. (2006). Vision of a clean garden harbourside. New Zealand Herald (Vol. 4 January).
Bradbury, M. (2005). Trinity apartment garden. Landscape Architecture. In Barker, L. Street smarts. Urbis Landscape, No 5 August to October 2005, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (2005). Garden city. Presented to the Lunchbox Lecture Series, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University, 4 April, Boston, USA.
Bradbury, M. (2005). Garden city. Affordable housing, medium density housing competition - Auckland 2003 (Book - Publisher Balasoglou Books), 34.
Bradbury, M. (2005). Fred Tschopp; From regionalism to modernism. Advance (Autumn), 7.
Bradbury, M. (2005). Jungle explorer. Gardens Illustrated, 103 (June 2005), 64-71.
Bradbury, M., & Woodside, M. (2005). Harry Turbott, landscape modernist. In M. Abbot (Ed.), Looking forward to heritage landscapes: Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects 2005 Conference (CD Rom ed., pp. 458-471). Dunedin: NZILA. Paper presented at the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Conference 'Looking forward to heritage landscapes', 28-30 April, Dunedin.
Bradbury, M. (2003). Transforming cities in Australia and New Zealand. Presented to the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects annual conference, 20-22 March, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (2003). The Professionals: We talk to landscape architect Matthew Bradbury about swimming pools. New Zealand Home & Garden (January), 58-59.
Bradbury, M. (2003). How? Garden City. In R. v. d. Velde & P. Connolly (Eds.), Technique (pp. 102-111). Melbourne: RMIT University Press.
Bradbury, M. A., & Simon, K. (2002). Green, Recent Projects. 13-23 August. Snowhite Gallery, UNITEC, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. A. (2002). The garden city. Presented to the International Planning History Conference 'Cities of Tomorrow', July, London.
Bradbury, M. A., & Adam, J. (2002). Fred Tschopp: New Zealand's First Landscape Architect. Presented to the Australasia Planning History Conference (Auckland, April); New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects biennial conference (Wellington, June).
Bradbury, M. A. (2002). Fred Tschopp (12 commentary/critique). Auckland: National Radio. 23 May.
Bradbury, M. (2001). GIS and the Landscape of Suburbia. Abstract accepted for Computers in Urban Planning and Management Conference, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, July.
Bradbury, M. (2001). Garden City. Abstract accepted for the First World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, China, 11-15 July.
Bradbury, M. (2001). The garden and the new Asian city. Abstract accepted for International Federation of Landscape Architects Conference, Singapore, June.
Bradbury, M. (2000). garden.city. 4-5 November. Artspace, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (2000). garden.city. Presented to the 'garden.city' Symposium, Artspace Gallery, 4-5 November, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (2000). garden.city - Postgraduate Work. Kerb Journal of Landscape Architecture (8), 46.
Bradbury, M. (2000). garden.city. The masters of landscape architecture by design catalogue, RMIT, September.
Bradbury, M. (2000). garden.city. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. May.
Bradbury, M. (2000). Studio Projects: Papamoa. Kerb Journal of Landscape Architecture (8), 59.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Pukemuka Valley - Gardening Suburbia. Presented to the RMIT University Graduate School, September, Melbourne.
Bradbury, M. (1999). The Paremuka Valley Landscape and Subdivision. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. September.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Christchurch City Art Gallery Competition - New Zealand Insitute of Architects Touring Display (landscape plan). September. Artspace, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (1999). The Paremuka Valley Landscape and Subdivision. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. May.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Henderson Creek - Catastrophic Gardens. Presented to the RMIT University Graduate School, May, Melbourne.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Homes and Gardens (landscape architecture). March. Department of Landscape and Plant Science - Exhibition Space, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Bambury Pool. Landscape New Zealand (January/February), 28-30.
Bradbury, M. (1999). Hamiliton garden. Home and Entertaining, December/January.
Bradbury, M. (1998). The Auckland School. Presented to the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Conference, Wellington.
Bradbury, M. (1998). Water in the Contemporary Garden. Interview with Ted Smyth. Landscape New Zealand, November.
Bradbury, M. (1998). The Suburban Sublime. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. September.
Bradbury, M. (1998). On pragmatics and the sublime. UME ed. Haig Beck Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning University of Melbourne, February. (refereed).
Bradbury, M. (1998). Katherine's Place. Landscape Australia, January.
Bradbury, M. (1997). The best of Summer. Home and Building, December/January.
Bradbury, M. (1997). Katherine Place. Landscape New Zealand, December.
Bradbury, M. (1997). Contemporary Garden Furniture, interview, Herald, November.
Bradbury, M. (1997). Katherine Prichards Garden. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. September.
Bradbury, M. (1997). Titirangi Garden. Design project presented to RMIT masters class, Melbourne, Australia. April.
Bradbury, M., Barnett, R., Haines, L., & Bogunovitch, D. (1997). Restoring the Ecology of the City: New strategies for Design and Planning of Urban Greenways. Research grant application, Matthew Bradbury, UNITEC, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (1996). Gardens of Control: Truby Kings garden at Melrose. The Modern world conference proceedings, UNITEC, Auckland.
Bradbury, M. (1996). Peploe Garden. Your Home, December.
Bradbury, M. (1996). Forrest Garden. Home and Building, October/November.
Bradbury, M. (1996). Legends of our time. The ten best New Zealand architects. Home and Building, June/July.
Bradbury, M. (1996). Forrest Garden. Landscape New Zealand, January/February.
Bradbury, M. (1995). Gould garden. Home and Building, December/January.
Bradbury, M. (1995). Natural selection. Matthew Bradbury profile. Home and Building, December/January.
Bradbury, M. (1995). A History of the Garden in New Zealand. Viking, Penguin Books New Zealand.