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Dr Marleen Baling

Senior Lecturer
School of Environmental and Animal Sciences
Location: Building 115, Room 1040


PhD, Auckland.

Professional memberships

  • Senior Editor: Perspectives in Biodiversity
  • Associate Editor: Perspectives in Animal Health and Welfare
  • Fellow of the Linnean Society of London
  • Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles New Zealand (Vice President 2022, 2023)
  • The Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour
  • Ornithological Society of New Zealand
  • New Zealand Ecological Society
  • New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women
  • IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group
  • IUCN Skink Specialist Group


I conducted my MSc thesis in on the habitat use, behaviour and population genetics of the chevron skink (Oligosoma homalonotum) at the University of Auckland, under the supervision of Graham Ussher, Dianne Brunton and Dianne Gleeson. In 2018, I completed a PhD investigating the function of colour variation of the shore skinks (Oligosoma smithi) at Massey University (Auckland), under the supervision of James Dale, Dianne Brunton and Devi Stuart-Fox. In between acquiring these two degrees I worked as a project coordinator for the Pacific Invasives Initiative, a research technician at Massey University, a consultant ecologist/ herpetologist for Auckland Council and various consultant companies, and a research associate at the University of Auckland investigating the genetic relationship between fairy terns (Sternula nereis spp) in New Zealand, Australia and New Caledonia. I have also volunteered my time (as an advisor and for fieldwork) for various research and community projects, including avian and reptile translocations, in New Zealand, Malaysia, Australia, Mexico, and Galapagos Islands. Currently, I am a senior lecturer at the School of Environmental and Animal Sciences (EAS).

I teach in the Bachelor of Applied Sciences and the Unitec Pathway College for EAS.

Course coordinator for:

  • NSCI5104 Principles of Biology
  • NSCI5103 Diversity of Life: Animals
  • NSCI5731 Principles of Ecology

I also teach in:

  • BPPC3800 UPC Environmental and Animal Science
  • NSCI5730 Earth Processes
  • NSCI5734 Contemporary Issues in Biology
  • NSCI7105 Advanced Field Surveying of New Zealand Biota
  • NSCI7108 Fieldtrip

I am also the Academic Leader for Level 5 Bachelor of Applied Sciences.


Research Interests:

Reptile ecology, animal colouration and wildlife translocation. My current projects:

  • Effect of diet supplementation on vitamin D synthesis of lizards
  • Disease-screening of native lizards using molecular techniques
  • Testing the feasibility of identifying reptile species using eDNA from tracking tunnel

Collaboration projects:

  • IAQ Research Team (Assoc Prof Terri-Ann Berry, PI): Effect of home ventilation systems on indoor air quality.
  • Dr An Pas (Auckland Zoo): Prevalence and clinical relevance of Cryptosporidium infections in native reptiles in New Zealand.
  • Dr Olivia Patterson & Dr Allen Young (Pet Doctors St Lukes): Quantifying bone density in captive juvenile lizards.
  • Dr Luis Ortiz Catedral & Harry Sollis (Massey University): Colouration in Galapagos snakes.


NSCI7731 Negotiated Research students that I supervise:

  • N/A

Completed NSCI7731 students:

  • (2022) Luzie Schmid: The taxonomy of Muehlenbeckia “Chathams” (main supervisor: Assoc Prof Peter de Lange)
  • (2022) Caitlin Pike: Quantifying endoparasite load in captive inland bearded dragons (Co-supervisors: Dr Sally Hsieh & Chloe McMenamin)
  • (2022) Reese Jacques: Ecological influences on fluorescence in lichens (Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dan Blanchon, Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Peter de Lange)
  • (2022) Holly Goodman: Behavioural response of native frogs to predator scent (collaboration with Auckland Zoo)
  • (2021) Holly Barker: Investigating the husbandry practices of captive reptiles: cases of metabolic bone disease and other common illnesses
  • (2021) Marcel Kerrigan: Investigating arboreal behaviour in Chesterfield skinks (collaboration with Auckland Zoo)
  • (2021) Warren Anne Fajardo: Diversity of endoparasites in exotic herpetofauna (collaboration with Bioresearches, Co-supervisor: Kristina Naden)
  • (2021) Furat Jawad: Testing the feasibility of identifying reptile species using eDNA from tracking tunnels: a pilot study

Postgrad co-supervisor to:

  • Gyoungsu Lee (PhD, The University of Auckland). Sensory ecology of New Zealand reptiles (Supervisor: Assoc Prof Anne Gaskett, Co-supervisors: Prof Jacqueline Beggs, Dr Amy Brunton-Martin)
  • Thomas Simpson (PhD, The University of Auckland). Impact of plague skinks on native lizards (Supervisor: Prof Jacqueline Beggs, Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Anne Gaskett)

Completed postgraduate students:

  • (2023) Richelle Butcher (MSc Veterinary Science, Massey University): Pathogen prevalence and diversity in native and invasive New Zealand lizards (Supervisor: Prof Brett Gartrell; Co-supervisor: Dr Kate McInnes [DOC])
  • (2022) Pauline Raphanaud (MSc Wildlife Management and Conservation, Czech University of Life Sciences): Investigating the use of AI-based image identification to monitor wild cryptic lizards (Supervisor: Dr Francisco Ceacero Herrador)
  • (2022) Tilde Sorenson (MSc, The University of Auckland): Interspecific competition, population density and detectability of the plague skink (Lampropholis delicata) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand (Supervisor: Prof James Russell; Co-supervisor: Dr Rod Hitchmough [DOC])


Recent publications (last 5 years):

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. Maurin KJL, Baling M & de Lange PJ (2022). Elevation of Pennantia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. sect. Dermatocarpus Miers (Pennantiaceae J.Agardh.) to subgenus rank. Ukrainian Botanical Journal. 79 (4):199-202. DOI: 10.15407/ukrbotj79.04.199
  2. Baling M & Brunton DH (2022). Structured phylogeography and restricted gene flow among populations of fairy tern (Sternula nereis) across Australasia: implications for the endangered New Zealand population. Ibis. 164(3): 800-808. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.13048.
  3. Chapple DG, Roll U, Böhm M, Aguilar R, Amey AP, Austin CC, Baling M, Barley AJ, Bates MF, Bauer AM, Blackburn DG, Bowles P, Brown RM, Chandramouli SR, Chirio L, Cogger H, Colli GR, Conradie W, Couper PJ, Cowan MA, Craig MD, Das I, Datta-Roy A, Dickman CR, Ellis RJ, Fenner AL, Ford S, Ganesh SR, Garnder MG, Geissler P, Gillespie GR, Glaw F, Greenlees MJ, Griffith OW, Grismer LL, Haines ML, Harris DJ, Hedges SB, Hitchmough RA, Hoskin CJ, Hutchinson MN, Ineich I, Janssen J, Johnston GR, Karin BR, Keogh JS, Kraus F, LeBreton M, Lymberakis P, Masroor R, McDonald PJ, Mecke S, Melville J, Melzer S, Michael DR, Miralles A, Mitchell NJ, Nelson NJ, Nguyen TQ, de Campos Nogueira C, Ota H, Pafilis P, Pauwels OSG, Perera A, Pincheira-Donoso D, Reed RN, Ribeiro-Júnior MA, Riley JL, Rocha S, Rutherford PL, Sadlier RA, Shacham B, Shea GM, Shine R, Slavenko A, Stow A, Sumner J, Tallowin OJS, Teale R, Torres-Carvajal O, Trape J-F, Uetz P, Ukuwela KDB, Valentine L, Van Dyke JU, van Winkel D, Vasconcelos R, Vences M, Wagner P, Wapstra E, While GM, Whiting MJ, Whittington CM, Wilson S, Ziegler T, Tingley R, and Meiri S (2021). Conservation status of the world’s skinks (Scincidae): taxonomic and geographic patterns in extinction risk. Biological Conservation. 257: 109101. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109101
  4. Baling M & Mitchell C (2021). Salmonella prevalence and body condition during quarantine of wild reptiles during several translocations to an island. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 69 (3):174-179. DOI: 10.1080/00480169.2021.1890647
  5. Baling M, Stuart-Fox D, Brunton DH & Dale J (2020). Spatial and temporal variation in prey colour patterns for background-matching across a continuous heterogeneous environment. Ecology and Evolution. 10(5): 2310–2319. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6024
  6. Baling M, Stuart-Fox D, Brunton DH & Dale J (2016). Habitat suitability for conservation translocation: the importance of considering camouflage in cryptic species. Biological Conservation 203: 298–305. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.10.002

Books/book chapters:

  1. van Winkel D, Baling M & Hitchmough R 2018. Reptile and amphibians of New Zealand: a field guide. Auckland University Press, Auckland. 376 pp. Whitley Book Awards 2019
  2. Parker KA, Adams L, Baling M, Kemp L, Kuchling G, Lloyd B, Ruffell J, Stringer I, Watts C & Dickens MJ 2015. Practical guidelines for planning and implementing fauna translocations. In (eds: Armstrong DG, Hayward MW, Moro D, Seddon PJ): Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. CSIRO Press, Melbourne. p 255–271. Whitley Book Awards 2015



Kerrigan, M., Brill, S., & Baling, M. (2024). Arboreal behaviour and habitat use in the Nationally Critical Kapitia skink (Oligosoma salmo). Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 2(1)).

Baling, M., McKenzie, D. J. M., Scott, R. K., van Vugt, L. H., Tuanui Chisholm, H., & de Lange, P. J. (2023). Observations of avifauna on Rēkohu / Wharekauri / Chatham Island, Chatham Islands group, in February 2023. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 1).

Baling, M., & Brunton, D.H. (2022). Structured phylogeography and restricted gene flow among populations of Fairy Tern (Sternula nereis) across Australasia: implications for the endangered New Zealand population. Ibis (Vol. Online).

Maurin, K. J. L., Baling, M., & de Lange, P. J. (2022). Elevation of Pennantia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. section Dermatocarpus Miers. (Pennantiaceae J.Agardh.) to subgenus rank. Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics (Vol. 79 (4)).

Raphanaud, P., Baling, M., & Ceacero, F. (2021). Investigating the use of AI-based image identification to monitor wild cryptic lizards. SRARNZ conference 2021, Auckland.

Butcher, R., Baling, M., Gartrell, B., & McInnes, K. (2021). Pathogen prevalence and diversity in native and invasive New Zealand lizards. SRARNZ conference 2021, Auckland.

Kerrigan, M., McFarlane, D., Gibson, R., & Baling, M. (2021). Investigating arboreal behaviour in Chesterfield skinks. SRARNZ conference 2021, Auckland.

Fajardo, W. A., Naden, K., van Winkel, D., & Baling, M. (2021). Diversity of endoparasites in exotic herpetofauna. SRARNZ conference 2021, Auckland.

Goodman, H., McFarlane, D., Gibson, R., & Baling, M. (2021). Behavioural response of Archey's frogs to predator scent. SRARNZ conference 2021, Auckland.

Chapple, D. G., Roll, U., Böhm, M., Aguilar, R., Amey, A. P., Austin, C. C., Baling, M., Barley, A. J., Bates, M. F., Bauer, A. M., Blackburn, D. G., Bowles, P., Brown, R. M., Chandramouli, S. R., Chirio, L., Cogger, H., Colli, G. R., Conradie, W., Couper, P. J., Cowan, M. A., Craig, M. D., Das, I., Datta-Roy, A., Dickman, C. R., Ellis, R. J., Fenner, A. L., Ford, S., Ganesh, S. R., Garnder, M. G., Geissler, P., Gillespie, G. R., Glaw, F., Greenlees, M. J., Griffith, O. W., Grismer, L. L., Haines, M. L., Harris, D. J., Hedges, S. B., Hitchmough, R. A., Hoskin, C. J., Hutchinson, M. N., Ineich, I., Janssen, J., Johnston, G. R., Karin, B. R., Keogh, J. S., Kraus, F., LeBreton, M., Lymberakis, P., Masroor, R., McDonald, P. J., Mecke, S., Melville, J., Melzer, S., Michael, D. R., Miralles, A., Mitchell, N. J., Nelson, N. J., Nguyen, T. Q., de Campos Nogueira, C., Ota, H., Pafilis, P., Pauwels, O. S. G., Perera, A., Pincheira-Donoso, D., Reed, R. N., Ribeiro-Júnior, M. A., Riley, J. L., Rocha, S., & et al (2021). Conservation status of the world's skinks (Scincidae): taxonomic and geographic patterns in extinction risk. Biological Conservation (Vol. 257).

Baling, M., & Mitchell, C. (2021). Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in translocated wild reptiles and effect of duration of quarantine on their body condition. New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol. 69 (3)).

Baling, M., & Wairepo, J. (2020). Rapid assessment of eradication success of an invasive lizard. World Congress of Herpetology 9, Dunedin.

Hernandez, G., Low, J., Wallis, S., Birchmore, R., Ramirez-Prado, G., de Groot, C., Gremillion, H., Lee-Morgan, J., Blanchon, D., Baling, M., Doyle, E., & Berry, T. (2020). The development of a transdisciplinary team to investigate indoor air quality issues in New Zealand. Unitec Research Symposium, Mount Albert Campus, Unitec.

van Winkel, D., Baling, M., & Hitchmough, R. (2018). Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand: A Field Guide. Auckland, New Zealand, Auckland Uni Press (Vol. 1).

Baling, M. (2017). Functional significance of highly variable colouration in the shore skink (Oligosoma smithi). Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.

Baling, M., Stuart-Fox, D., & Dale, J. (2017). Camouflage in heterogeneous environments: an experimental test of the effect of prey colour and pattern complexity. 17th biennial conference of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand, Whangarei Heads.

Baling, M., Stuart-Fox, D., Brunton, D.H., & Dale, J. (2016). Habitat suitability for conservation translocation: the importance of considering camouflage in cryptic species. Biological Conservation (Vol. 203).

Baling, M. (2015). Woodworthia maculata (common gecko). Leucism. Herpetological Review (Vol. 41).

Parker, K.A., Adams, L., Baling, M., Kemp, L., Kuchling, G., Lloyd, B., Ruffell, J., Stringer, I., Watts, C., & Dickens, M.J. (2015). Practical guidelines for planning and implementing fauna translocations. Armstrong, D.G., Hayward, M.W., Moro, D. & Seddon, P.J. Melbourne, Australia (Vol. 1).

Baling, M., & Nagle, B. (2013). Island biosecurity training Samoa, March 2010. Conservation International Pacific Islands Program, Apia, Samoa.

Baling, M., Gartrell, B., Ji, W., & Brunton, D.H. (2013). Detection of Salmonella during translocation of two endemic New Zealand lizard species within the Hauraki Gulf. New Zealand Journal of Zoology (Vol. 40).

Baling, M., van Winkel, D., Rixon, M., Ruffell, J., Ji, W., & Ussher, G. (2013). A review of reptile research and conservation management on Tiritiri Matangi Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (Vol. 37).

Baling, M., & Nagle, B. (2013). Island biosecurity training Fiji, June 2010. Conservation International Pacific Islands Program, Apia, Samoa.

Barre, N., Baling, M., Boutellier, A., Bachy, P., Chartendrault, V., & Spaggiari, J. (2012). Survey of fairy tern (Sterna nereis exsul) in New Caledonia. Marine Ornithology (Vol. 40).

van Winkel, D., Baling, M., Barry, M., Ji, W., & Brunton, D. (2010). Translocation of Duvaucel's geckos to Tiritiri Matangi and Motuora Islands, Hauraki Gulf, as part of island ecological restoration initiatives. Soorae, P.S. Abu Dhabi.

Baling, M., Wedding, C., Barry, M., Ji, W., & Brunton, D.H. (2010). Re-introduction of shore skinks to offshore islands in the Auckland region, New Zealand. Soorae, P.S. Abu Dhabi.

Baling, M., Jeffries, D., & Brunton, D.H. (2009). A survey of fairy tern (Sterna nereis) breeding colonies in the Southern Lagoon, New Caledonia. Emu (Vol. 109).

Baling, M. (2008). Species at risk: Conservation of the fairy tern (Sternula nereis spp.) via subspecies level management. Endangered Species Update (Vol. 25).

Baling, M., Brunton, D.H., & Jeffries, D. (2008). Marine and coastal bird survey of islands in the Southern Lagoon, New Caledonia. Notornis (Vol. 55).

Baling, M. (2003). The habitat use, behaviour and population genetic structure of the chevron skink (Oligosoma homalonotum) from Great Barrier Island. The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.