Eltahir Kabbar

Professional memberships
ITP New Zealand
Heath, S., Perry, A., Kabbar, E., & Palfreyman, S. (2022). Online from Monday: Lecturers' Experiences of the Rapid Transition to Online Learning Delivery Following the First National Emergency Response to Covid-19. Auckland: ePress, Unitec, Te Pūkenga. E. Papoutsaki and M. Shannon, Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes, Unitec/MIT Research Symposium 2021.
Heath, S., Kabbar, E., & et, al. (2022). Preliminary findings: Future nursing workforce. Presentation conducted at the Picking up where we left off. Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Eleno, M., Heath, S., & Kabbar, E. (2022). Stocktake of placement preparation and clinical experience for New Zealand student nurses in aged care settings. ITP Research Symposium, Southland.
Soper, F., Heath, S., & Kabbar, E. (2022). Student nurses' perceptions of working in aged care: Review of key literature on the impact of clinical experience. ITP Research Symposium, Southland.
Heath, S., Perry, A., Kabbar, E., & Palfreyman, S. (2022). Disruption in the classroom: When hands on becomes hands off. Rotorua Oral presentation. Te Mananwa Reka Curisoity Symposium, Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology.
Kabbar, Eltahir F. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of the E-Government Development Index (EGDI). July 20-23 (pp. 23-29). : IADIS Press. Piet Kommers and Mário Macedo, International Conferences ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2021,.
Heath, S., Palfreyman, S., Kabbar, E., & Perry, A. (2021). Rapid transition to emergency teaching online: The experience of tertiary teachers and implications for vocational education. Rangahau Horonuku Hou - 2021 MIT/Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Kabbar, E. F. (2021). A case study of collaborative teaching using experiential learning pedagogical framework. Rangahau Horonuku Hou - 2021 MIT/Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Kabbar, E. F. (2020). Reflections on the global most recent e-government development indicators results. Unitec Research Symposium (2020), Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Almarazroi, A., Kabbar, E., & Naser, M. (2019). Gender Effect on Cloud Computing Services Adoption by University Students: Case Study of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Innovation (IJI) (Vol. 7(1)).
Fathelrahman, A., & Kabbar, E. (2018). Conceptualization of enterprise systems education using an experiential learning framework. Journal of Education for Business (Vol. 93(2)).
Kabbar, E. F. (2018). The Use of Domain Analysis to Enhance Validity and Reliability of Qualitative Studies: End-Users Adoption of e-government Services Case Study. Khalid S Soliman, Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) international conference (Vol. 32).
Kabbar, E. F. (2018). Reflecting on a Decade of Measuring e-Government Readiness using EGDI: Has Anything Changed? Khalid S Soliman, In the Proceedings of the 31st International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) international conference. (Vol. 31).
Kabbar, E. (2016). Modeling end-user adoption of e-government services in Abu Dhabi. Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Kabbar, E., & Dell, P. (2016). A demand-based e-government Adoption Model (DeAM). Association for Computing Machinery, International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia - EGOSE2016, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
Kabbar, E. (2014). Demand Driven E-Government Services: A Call for Better Understanding the Factors Influencing End Users Adoption of Electronic Government Services. Kommers and Pedro Isaías, IADIS International Conference e-Society 2014.
Kabbar, E. F., & Dell, P. (2013). Weaknesses of the E-Government Development Index. Uesugi, S. New York.
Kabbar, E., & Loganathan, R. (2009). An Examination of the Maturity Level of the Indian E-government Portal. P. Kommers and Pedro Isaías, IADIS International Conference e-Society 2009.
Kabbar, E. F., & Crump, B. J. (2007). Recommendations for promoting ICTs uptake among the refugee immigrant community in New Zealand. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (Vol. 5(2)).
Kabbar, E., & Crump, B.J. (2006). The factors that influence adoption of ICTs by recent refugee immigrants to New Zealand. Informing Science (Vol. 9).
Kabbar, E.F., & Crump, B.J. (2005). Recent immigrants and ICTs: A New Zealand perspective. IRMA, Information Resource Management Association (IRMA) International Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 15-18 May, pp.