Dr Steve Marshall

PhD Unitec, MEdLM (Hons. 2nd) Unitec, GDipHE UnitecProfessional memberships
Entertainment Technology of New Zealand (ETNZ)
Steve has worked at Unitec since 1996 and has recently been appointed as Programme Development Partner, working within the Academic Service Centre.
In this new role, Steve works across the Institution supporting curriculum development, learning and teaching and academic quality. The role allows him to work with colleagues from a diverse range of discipline areas and to help develop exciting collaborative learning opportunities for Unitec students.
He recently completed a Doctor of Philosophy (Education) at Unitec where his research focused on the transition of staff from Industry Professional to Teaching Professional in Higher Education.
Marshall, S. (2015). From industry professional to academic leader: Identity migration in New Zealand Polytechnics. Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Marshall, S. G. (2012). Educational middle change leaders in New Zealand: The meat in the sandwich. International Journal of Educational Management (Vol. 26 (6)).
Marshall, S., and Wilson, S. (2012). A living curricula: Conversations about learning and teaching. Journal of Technical Education and Training (Vol. 4 (1)).
Marshall, S. (2011). A living curricula: A new approach to learning and teaching. Canadian Association for University Continuing Education Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, S., and Wilson, S. (2011). A living curricula: Conversations about learning and teaching. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Melaka, Malaysia.
Marshall, S. (2011). [Production Design] Radience by Louis Nowra, Directed by Anna Marbrook. Auckland, Unitec Performing and Screen Arts.
Marshall, S. (2011). [Lighting Design] 'Not Now' PROJECTion Dance Company; Choreography Tim Podesta. Auckland, Tempo Dance Festival.
Chen, G., Bagheai, N., Sarrafzadeh, A., Manford, C., Marshall, S., and Court, G. (2011). Designing games to educate diabetic children. OZCHI 2011 - 23rd Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Group, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Marshall, S. (2010). [Production Design] Prospero's Dream adapted from Shakespeares' The Tempest by Anna Marbrook, Directed by Anna Marbrook. Auckland, Unitec Performing and Screen Arts.
Piggot-Irvine, E., Marshall, S., and Aitken, H. (2009). The three R's of the success case model - Recruitment, response, rigour. Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference. Canberra, ACT. 3 September.
Marshall, S. (2009). [Production Design] New York: The September 11th Project by David Rimmer, Directed by Milton Justice. Auckland:, Unitec Department of Performing and Screen Arts. September 11, 2009.
Marshall, S. (2009). [Lighting Design] Our Town by Thorndon Wilder, Dirercted by Milton Justice. Auckland:, Unitec Department of Performing and Screen Arts. November 12, 2009.
Marshall, S. (2009). [Lighting Design] Alfonsina, Directed by Pedro Ilgenfritz. Auckland:, LAB: Performance Research Company. August 2009.
Marshall, S. (2008). Leading change at the middle: Stories of higher education middle leaders 'success'. Unpublished Master of Education Management and Leadership. Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Marshall, S. (2008). [Lighting Design]. Summer Folk by Maxim Gorky. Directed by Heath Jones. Auckland:, Unitec Department of Performing and Screen Arts. May.
Marshall, S. (2007). [Lighting Design]. King John by William Shakespeare. Directed by Jacque Drew. Auckland:, Unitec Department of Performing and Screen Arts. April.
Marshall, S. (2006). [Lighting Designer]. The Ocean Star, by Michael Galvin. Directed by Roy Ward. Auckland: Maidment Theatre, Auckland Theatre Company.