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Dr Lydia Kiroff

Senior Lecturer
School of Building Construction
Location: Building 112, Room 4019


PhD (UNSW), MDesMgmnt(Hons), MSc(Arch)(Hons), CertHE

Professional memberships

Registered Architect NZRAB, ANZIA (Architect Member of the NZ Institute of Architects)


Fistonich, I., & Kiroff, L. (2024). An exploration of Pasifika multigenerational social housing. Gribniak, V., Rimkus, A., Holschemacher, K., Quapp, U., Singh, A., and Yazdani, S. Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction (Vol. 11).

Ly, L., & Kiroff, L. (2023). BIM use in Green Building Certification processes. Karatas, A., Iranmanesh, A., Gurgun, A.P., Yazdani, S., Singh, A. Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction (Vol. 10 (1)).

Singh, S., Kiroff, L., & Sharma, R. (2022). Brownfield land redevelopment strategies in urban areas: Criteria contributing to the decision-making process. International Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ESSD) (Vol. 7(2)).

Kerai, U., Kiroff, L., & Sharma, R. (2021). The response of Auckland construction firms to recent technological changes. Unitec ePress Occasional and Discussion Papers Series, ISSN 2324-3635 (Vol. 2021(1)).

Kiroff, L., & Puolitaival, T. (2021). Fun is serious business: Digital natives and digital technologies in construction education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice (Vol. 21(1)).

Puolitaival, T., & Kiroff, L. (2021). Digital technologies in construction management education: A digital natives' perspective. Sylvain Kubicki, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of CIB W78, Luxembourg, 13-15 October.

Kiroff, L. (2020). Nexus between creative industries and the built environment: Creative place making in inner Auckland. Frontiers of Architectural Research.

Brown, G., Sharma, R., & Kiroff, L. (2020). Insights into the New Zealand prefabrication industry. Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, et al, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method. 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) 2020, Auckland University of Technology.

Kerai, U., Kiroff, L., & Sharma, R. (2020). The response of the Auckland construction industry to recent technological changes. 2020 Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Kiroff, L., & Puolitaival, T. (2020). Construction students' experiences and engagement with digital technologies. 2020 Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Puolitaival, T., & Kiroff, L. (2019). Digital natives and digital technologies in construction education. Talking Teaching 2019, Ako Aotearoa, Academy of Tertiary Teaching Excellence, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland.

Kiroff, L., & Parris, S. (2018). Adaptive reuse and repurposing of industrial buildings to residential dwellings in Auckland City. APO Analysis and Policy Observatory, 8th State of Australian Cities National Conference.

Kiroff, L. (2017). The power of place: A case study of Auckland's design creative industries. Urban Studies Research (Vol. 2017, Article ID 8952965).

Parris, S., & Kiroff, L. (2017). Adaptive reuse and repurposing of industrial buildings to residential dwellings in Auckland City. State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2017), Adelaide, Australia.

Kiroff, L. (2017). Auckland and the creative industries: The spatial distribution of the design sub-sector. Urban Geography (Vol. Published online: 19 May 2017).

Vitasovich, A., Kiroff, L., & Boon, J. (2016). The adoption of modern office workspaces by tertiary education institutes: A case study of Unitec. In N. Singhaputtangkul, The 40th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) Conference.

Francis, S., & Kiroff, L. (2015). Attitudes and perceptions towards early contractor involvement procurement. In RICS, Proceedings of the COBRA-AUBEA Conference.

Kiroff, L., & Tan, X. (2015). Adaptive reuse of industrial buildings in a new precinct in Auckland's CBD. In Global Science and Technology Forum, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Urban Planning and Property Development.

Kiroff, L. (2014). The nexus between creative industries and the built environment: A case study of the Auckland design cluster. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Kiroff, L. (2012). Spatial dynamics of Auckland's architecture, design and advertising creative industries. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois, USA, ISSN 2152-7857 (Vol. Vol 2, Issue 2).

Kiroff, L. (2011). Design clusters and the city: Case study Parnell in Auckland, New Zealand. World Planning Schools Congress, 4-8 July 2011, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, CD Rom, ISBN 978-1-74052-237-3.

McCartney, C., and Kiroff, L. (2011). Factors affecting the uptake of BIM in the Auckland Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. Conference Proceedings of the CIB 2011 W078 - W102 Joint Conference, Information Technology for Construction and Information and Knowledge Management in Building, 26-28 October 2011, Sophia Antipolis, France.

Kiroff, L. (2011). Urban planning legislation in New Zealand: Resource Management Act stage two reforms. L. Ruddock, P. Chynoweth, C. Egbu, M. Sutrisna, A. Parsa (Eds) COBRA 2011 Proceedings of RICS Construction and Property Conference, 12-13 September 2011, University of Salford, Manchester, UK, ISBN 987-1-907842-19-1.

Kiroff, L. (2010). The geography of Auckland's design creative industries. J. Haldane (Ed), Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities & The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences.

Kiroff, L., and Roedel, H. (2010). Sustainable construction technologies: Earth buildings in New Zealand. J Zachar, P Claisse, T. R. Naik, E. Ganjian (Eds) Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. 28-30 June 2010. (Vol. 1).

Kiroff, L. (2010). Design-intensive industries and urban transformation: The case study of Auckland. N. Gulersoy, H. Ayatac, A. B.Onem, T. K. Koramaz, Z. Gunay, K. Y. Arslanli, I. Ayranci (Eds.), 14th IPHS Conference Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges (Vol. 1).

Kiroff, L. (2009). Kiwis Bid for the Bold and the Beautiful. Cityscape Creative Cities: Reviews of Contemporary Urban Issues, 1833-03 (Vol. 39).

Kiroff, L. (2009). Auckland Competes in the Amazing Creativity Race. Cityscape Creative Cities: Reviews of Contemporary Urban Issues, 1833-03 (Vol. 37).

Kiroff, L. (2009). Creative industries and urban regeneration: The Case study of Auckland. Experience the Creative Economy International Conference, Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada.

Kiroff, L. (2005). Visual language in architectural design. Stephen Emmit & Matthijs Prins, Proceedings of the CIB W096 Architectural Management, Designing Value: New Directions in Architectural Management, ISBN 87-7877-190-0, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.

Kiroff, L. (2003). Visual language in architectural design. Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.

Kiroff, L. (2003). Why are some designs more interesting than others: The quest for the unusual, the unconventional and the unique in design. A.A.Balkema Publishers, Proceedings of the ISEC-02 System-Based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design International Conference, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.

Kiroff, L., & Ostrowski, P. (2001). IT and e-architecture - a technological breakthrough, a technology race or a new paradigm in business. CSIR Division of Building and Construction Technology, Proceedings of the CIB W78 IT in Construction International Conference, Mpumalanga, South Africa.

Kiroff, L. (2005). Visual language in architecture design. In S. Emmit & M. Prins (Eds.), Proceedings of CIB WO96 Architectural Management (pp. 425-431). Copenhagen, Denmark: Technical University of Denmark. Paper presented at the CIB WO96 Architectural Management Conference, 2-4 November, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kiroff, L. E. T. (2003). Visual language in architectural design. Unpublished Master of Design Management thesis, UNITEC, Auckland. P. Sharma.

Kiroff, L. (2003). Why are some designs more interesting than others? The quest for the unusual, the unconventional and the unique in design. In B. Franco (Ed.), System-based vision for strategic and creative design (Vol. 2, pp. 1613-1619). Rome: A.A. Balkema Publishers. Paper presented at the 2nd International Structural & Engineering Conference, 23-26 September, Rome.

Kiroff, L., & Ostrowski, P. (2001). IT and e-Architecture - A Technology Breakthough, A Techno Knowledge Race or a New Paradigm in Business?, Proceedings of the CIB - W78 International Conference 'IT in Construction in Africa' (Vol. 1, pp. 13-1 - 13-12), 29 May - 1 June, Mpumalanga, South Africa.